Chapter Eight

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I walk up to the magnificent, large, wooden door. It's classy and timeless and already one of my favorite aspects of this place. The sign says "Molly's". What a classic name to go with a classic door. I love it already.

I grab the large, brass door handle and turn it. The door opens and glides out towards me. I step around it and through the threshold of the frame. I'm invited into the cool air that smells of fresh drafts and buffalo wings. An aged, wooden scent of the interior also accompanies my nose and I'm immediately in love with this place.

"Hey!" A girl's voice booms from my turned back as I close the door.

I close the door and turn back around to see Gabby Dawson standing in front of me. "Hey!" I smile back at her. "I figured I'd finally come check out the best bar in town." I say as I move away from the door to let a couple of people out. "Is Severide here?"

Gabby smirks. "Thanks! And he's right over there." She turns and points to a group of guys from the firehouse sitting with some people I've never seen before. Kelly is sitting next to Matt Casey, the other lieutenant at the firehouse.

"Thanks." I tell Gabby then walk around her to get over to Kelly.

As soon as we make eye contact from across the room, he stands up and rushes over to me. We meet midway and he wraps me in a hug.

I can't help it when I hang on a little too long. It feels so good to have someone hug me after the day I've had. Someone who can protect me and make me feel safe.

"How'd it go?" He asks with concern as we pull out of the hug.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "It was okay." I bite my lip as I think about everything Antonio told me. "My dad is calling tomorrow about getting bars on our windows and switching the locks. Just in case. I'm getting my concealed carry permit and Antonio and Laura are going to take me shooting."

"DId you say Antonio?" Kelly asks with an eyebrow raised.

I nod. "Yeah, Antonio Dawson. His wife is a good friend of mine from middle school."

"Antonio's little sister is Gabby. Gabby Dawson." Kelly laughs. "Damn, it's a small world."

I feel the tension in my shoulders relax some. "Yeah, it is." I peak around Kelly at the table he left to talk to me. "So are you going to introduce me to your friends?" I ask as I look back at him.

He smiles and nods. "Of course." He chuckles as he puts his arm around my shoulders and walks me over to the table. "Alright!" He raises his voice to get the attention of everyone at the table. "Now you know Mouch, Ottis and Cruz." He points at the guys I work with who are on the left side of the high top. "But these lovely ladies are Jay, Will and Adam." He points out each of them who are sitting on the right side of the high top. "Guys, this is Chanel. She's an old friend of mine who recently joined us at 51."

"Nice to meet you, Chanel." One of the guys on the right side of the table says. He's got bright blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He's Jay and he's a cutie.

"Thanks." I blush and take a seat that Kelly has pulled up for me.

"Adam and Jay work with Antonio." Kelly informs me as he takes a seat next to me.

"Oh, really?" I look at the two guys to my right. "That's cool. So you're detectives too?"

They both nod.

"You know Antonio?" Adam asks as he takes a drink from his beer.

I nod in confirmation. "Yeah, I'm an old friend of his wife's. I just moved back here. I haven't lived in Chicago since I was a kid."

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