Chapter 08

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At the G.U.N base, Sonic, Amy, Rouge and Shadow are practicing with handguns. They are firing at the targets.

Sonic held his Colt 1911 handgun and fires five shots at the target.

"Hasta la bye bye, target" Sonic joked. Shadow then looked at Sonic in annoyance.

"Full of jokes as always" Shadow said sarcastically and aimed his gun to the target with one hand.

The bullet hits the middle of the target. "Ha, I'm getting better at this" Shadow smirked and puts his gun in the holster.

"Check this out boys" Amy said and takes out her two handguns, fires eight shots each and it tore the target to shreds.

Amy then winks at them and put the guns in her holsters. Shadow and Sonic were a bit surprised.

"Wow Ames, that was amazing" Sonic smiled happily and hugged her. She pulled away from the hug gently.

"Thanks Sonikku" Amy said as she kisses him on the lips. Shadow and Rouge just shrugs and continues to practice their guns.


Later after the gun practice, the four are discussing about what they are going to do the rest of the day.

"Well, I'm gonna be with my old pals Tails, Knuckles and the boys. Wanna come Shads?" Sonic said and then asked Shadow.

"Hmph, very well, I'll come" Shadow responded. Then Sonic turned to Rouge and Amy.

"So what are you girls gonna do?" he asked them. Rouge thought for a moment then comes up with an answer.

"Well, me and the girls including Amy are going to the mall" Rouge said.

"I'll get a surprise for you Sonic" Amy said to Sonic.

"Okay sweetheart, have fun with the girls. Come on Shadow, let's go"


Later on, Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles and even Silver were skateboarding at the ramps, similar to Sonic Riders. The Pacific Rim main theme was played from a radio nearby.

"YEEEEEEHAAAAAA! I have not forgot my skills of how great I am at this" Sonic yelled in joy while spinning with his board.

"YEAH! Having the whole gang back together tonight!" Tails yelled and rides his board high up in the air and landed on the edge of the ramp with one hand and then backflips and rides down the ramp.

"That's very great, Tails. You have become better" Sonic patted him friendly on the shoulder.

"Thanks Sonic, you are the best brother/friend I ever had" Tails lifted his googles a bit but puts them on again and continues his ride.

Just then Knuckles surfed on his board like a surfer on a wave. Some teens were in pure shock.

"Wow, dude that Echidna is great" a human teen boy said.

"Yeah man, I wanna be like Sonic" a young green fox with one tail said. Back to the guys, Shadow is doing some awesome tricks, some side to side movements and some spinning. He finishes it with a surfer boarding style.

"Awesome Shadow" Sonic, Tails and Knuckles said in unison. Then Silver comes surfing behind them.

"Watch out dudes, here I COME!" he shouted and does some disco-dancing on the board while skating up to the O-shaped ramp and rides up on it and the glides down much to everyone's surprise.

"WOW! I'm on top today Mister Emo man" Silver joked. Shadow then sighs in annoyance.


Amy is going through the Mall along with Blaze, Rouge and even Cream. They were looking for clothes to buy or gifts. Blaze tried on a coat similar to her normal one, but is dark blue with silver sides. "Hmmm, very nice, I'll buy it" Blaze said to herself and goes to pay for it.

Rouge was in a jewelry store and looked at some necklaces and rings with different gems on. But she was not about to steal them this time.

Amy was with Cream and looked around in a dress-store. Cream then spotted a black dress that suited Amy.

"Wanna try that one Miss Rose?" Cream said. Amy looked at the dress and gives a small smile.

"Sure, I'll try it"

Moments later at the changing room, Amy came out wearing the black dress. She looked beautiful in it.

"Wow Amy, you look great. Mr. Sonic is gonna like it!" Cream squealed.

"Well, I like it too Cream, I'll buy it" Amy said politely and walks to the cash register and paid for it. It cost 50 dollars.

The girls then walked out from the mall on their way home.


They are at a pizza restaurant and had one pizza each with a soda. Sonic feels that it's great to be with Tails and Knuckles again after a long time spending with G.U.N besides breaks. Then Tails wondered for one thing. Sonic looks at him suspiciously.

"What is it, Tails?" Sonic asked.

Tails then snaps out of his thoughts, "Excuse me?"

"What were you thinking about, Tails?" he asked again. Tails then looks at Sonic.

"Well I was wondering if I could join G.U.N to be with you a lot more like old times"

Sonic didn't know what to say to Tails about joining G.U.N. But then he came up with an answer.

"Hmmmm, I'll talk to them if it is okay, we need an engineer anyway. We'll discuss later" Sonic tells Tails. He nodded.

"Hey Sonic. How's Amy? I have heard that she beat the hell out of Scourge" Knuckles said to Sonic.

"Yes she did and also Shads bit off a part of his ear, Mike Tyson really" Sonic chuckles.

Shadow shook his head in annoyance for being referred to Mike Tyson who bit off a part of Holyfield's ear. "Yeah Right" he sighed.

"Say Sonic, I also heard that Sally is no longer a princess"

"That's right and she's locked in for five years" Sonic tells them sadly.

Tails noticed it and then asked him.

"What's wrong, Sonic?" Tails asked Sonic who turned to him.

"Well it's that....never mind" Sonic didn't wanna tell him or Knuckles since Silver and Shadow already know. They continue their meals.

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