Chapter 14

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The week that followed flew by without notice, mostly because I was busy basking in my new relationship with Nicholas Alessandro Camiloto to really care of much else. The man took me to places, both figuratively and literally.

We continued our ritual where he'd pick me up in the mornings to drop me to school before he left for work. Some days I would find his parked car near my school in the afternoons after school ended and other days I would take the bus home in disappointment, knowing he was too busy with work.

In the days he did manage, he would take me on dates. Usually at his apartment where we'd cook dinner for that evening and just chill out domestically while watching TV shows and movies. On special occasions he'd take me to elite restaurants where I'd feel out of place just knowing how I didn't really belong there with him. Nicholas would subdue my insecurities by letting me take him to my favourite places to eat.

It's been a week since I shared my first time with him and it was difficult to imagine that it has barely been a month since I met the man. I couldn't remember what my life consisted of before meeting him, how I'd lived before. He came into my life virtually like a wrecking ball that expunged everything in its wake.

When I was with him everything in me was alive and when I was without him it was as if nothing made sense.

Today was Friday, it was one of those days where I hadn't seen or heard of Nicholas all day. It happened before, his work would essentially take most of his time to have left for anything else.

I was in town with Keysha and Nina whom disguised herself by wearing a black short cropped wig with bangs nearly covering her eyes.

Her crew had long since departed the country two days after that fashion event. Nina was meant to return with them but I'd witnessed her persuading her father to let her spend an extra week with Nicholas. In emphasis that she needed quality time with her big brother.

"You're becoming too obsessed Arie." Keysha warned me, startling me, making me almost drop my phone in the process.

I stared up at her and grinned when I saw her outfit. "It's perfect, I like this one."

"You think so?" She quirked turning to her side to assess herself in mirror of the fitting room.

"I know so."

"Yeah right." Her tone dropped as she rolled her eyes. "You said that to the other three before."

She stomped toward me, her look fiery and accusing.

"What?" I asked her.

"Give me your phone."


She didn't answer instead she hauled herself in front me grabbing the phone from my hands. Flustered, I made an attempt to retrieve it back but she held it out of reach while going through the its contents.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed. "You were texting him."

I grunted.

"Seriously Ariel, this is what I meant by being obsessed, give the man a freaking break."

"Hey I haven't heard from him since yesterday." I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah well what about your other life that doesn't consist of him, have you forgotten that? Have you realised that this is first time since that ball that we've hung out?"

I grimaced. "You're sounding more like Lexi."

"That's not the point, Ariel. I mean I asked you today to hang out, you didn't have to bring Nina."

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