Chapter 9

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The Range Rover waited for me the next day, right at the front entrance as he'd said. Even when I was in the midst of bustling school students, I could feel his eyes only on me.

My school uniform was already tucked neatly and safe in my backpack along with my books. I wore, instead, my black ripped skinny jeans, a white sleeveless blouse with a black bomber jacket and my favourite white Chuck Taylor's. Other than Keysha's plume dress, this was the second best wear in my closet of all jeans and t-shirts I had. It was both casual and outgoing. Not that I usually dressed to impress but I wasn't entirely certain what the appropriate attire was for meeting Nicholas's sister.

It wasn't as if we were in a relationship, in fact I wasn't entirely sure what we were at all. I was certainly curious how he was going to introduce me when I met his sister.

"Discrete as always." I commented sarcastically as I entered the car.

He arched an eyebrow in confusion.

I gestured at the cap covering his face. As ever.

He shrugged as he began the ignition.

I frowned. "You know I don't think anyone even recognise you without the cap let alone with it."

He gave me a snide secretive look that said, 'You have no idea.'

I shrugged, internally rolling my eyes. A change of subject was needed.

"So where exactly are going?"



"Yes. She's landing in an hour."

"How are you going to introduce me?" I asked him, curious exactly to what he thought we were. His actions from last night or very early this morning was so engraved in my cerebral cortex that the mere thought of his closeness still sent shivers all over my body.

As if he knew what I was implying, he blatantly chose to ignore that particular question. Only giving me a devilish smirk instead.

Exasperation infused within me. Every moment with him was assiduously frustrating, trying to understand him and his actions was ten times worse. I was yet to figure out exactly what he wanted with me. His signals were muddled and baffling. I found I was losing myself in the process of spending time with him. I didn't fully grasp it yet but my world was slowly gravitating toward him. This knowledge was unsettling.

The silence of the half an hour journey was only saved by the slow indie music playing in his radio section. It wasn't awkward, sort of peaceful actually as I stared listlessly at the zooming motorway. However I couldn't fool even myself, my whole body was conscious of the man an arm's length away.

I felt him sneaking glances at me now and then. I guessed I succeeded at my act of brooding because it somehow nerved him. My silence.

It wasn't long when the car stopped at the airport parking. He made no effort of getting out. Out of curiosity, my gaze found his.

He bit his lip in concentration while one hand rummaged through the sandy brown silky locks of hair.

"What?" I asked, suddenly alarmed. He seemed nervous for the first time and it made me alert.

"It's only fair that I tell you now, since I'm forcing you into this either way." He began.

My scowl deepened. I shook my head to indicate I didn't understand him.

"I know I should've given you a choice before dragging you here but...I am selfish man, Ariella."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"You'll see soon enough." He gave a me an expressionless look before forcing himself out of the car. I followed him. Befuddled as ever.


Heathrow airport had its fair share of busyness. The bustle of people going to and fro, the noise of chatter, the booming announcer blasting through the speakers every other five minutes.

I held Nicholas hand like a vice as we made our way to the waiting point, bumping and shoving against people.

He wasn't happy. He wore that glaring expression which I oddly found really attractive. "She could've saved us the hustle if she'd just took the jet like always." He commented under his breath.

I found his brooding amusing. However, the triviality at unconsciously mentioning his wealth in a casual manner was a wake up call. Nicholas wasn't just any man compared to men in general--although I had little experience on that category. It was a reminder once again whom I was associating myself with, dealing with for that matter.

The squealing voice of a girl yelling "Nick" yanked me out of my thoughts. Then it happened like a flash. Which was quite ironic considering the weapon used.

Bright lights blinded me, making me lose focus of the world around me. I remembered fractions of images. A girl with dark brown hair flouncing herself at Nicholas, the flashes following her, surrounding her, haloing her into this angelic like creature.

It was so surreal even when she hugged me, stating that it was nice to meet the girl her brother has been hung upon the past few days. I managed a smile but it could've been a grimace since I barely seemed to orient myself. I was investigating where the source of these blinding flashes of light were coming from, when a string of cameramen caught my vision. Like a pack of wolves they invaded us, using their weapons of camera to cinch us into their bubble. We were their prey.

It was difficult at first to comprehend what was going on, but it clicked when Nicholas advanced toward me and forced his cap on my head. Covering half of my face. Relieving me from the temporary blindness.

The predators followed us as we walked--I, on the other hand attempting to walk since Nicholas was dragging me beside him. They were the paparazzi.

"Nicholas. Smile for once--"

"How are you doing man--

"Who's that with you--"

"What happened to Flora--"

"Is she your new lady--"

"How's your dad--"

"Nina you look gorgeous--"

"How's it feel to be in London--"

"Nina are they really your nudes that were leaked online--"

"Nina over here--"

"Nina! Nick! Nina! Nick...Nick..."

Unconsciously I had clung on Nicholas' arm as if it were a lifesaving raft. With his sister on other side of him, he rushed the three of us out of the airport to his car at the parking lot. The blazing light of war still raged on even after we were all safely inside Nicholas' Range Rover. With me on the backseat and Nina on the passenger, he drove off, nearly running over one of them

"Gosh, I thought it wasn't going to end." Nina commented once we were safely out of range. "I wonder who told them I was coming here." She spoke in a flurry of activity as she rearranged her fiery red lipstick using the cosmetic mirror.

Adrenaline was still coursing through my veins at the traumatising experience. I still saw the infra bright lights dancing in my retina. From the review mirror, I caught Nicholas' tactful sharp eyes on me, a glint of worry showed in them but his expression was mostly chagrin.

"Welcome to my world." He mouthed at me, giving a look of pity before releasing me from his gaze.

My eyes bulged as realisation finally dawned. His abstruse statement from earlier. It finally made sense.

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