Chapter 17: Portraits and Scars

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Wayne's POV

At first, I didn't want to believe everything she was trying to say. She didn't have to tell me because I already understood, even without giving me a concrete explanation. But, I wanted her to say it to my face. To confess to me as brave as she could. I wanted to know how much willing she was to say the words I was looking for without being embarrassed of it.

Am I too greedy? Or this is just simply what a guy like me deserves?

She bit her lip and turned around, "I can't Wayne. Not now," and off she went.

Stop her Wayne. Chase her.

These thoughts in my head were shouting inside of me, wanting to escape and control me so badly. I tried to put my feet into halt and stay put.

I guess I'm a coward after all..

I was so scared that she would be uncomfortable being on my hands. If only she had convinced myself that I was wrong. If only she had given me enough reason to run for her. But I guess I couldn't blame her. Even I am in doubt of myself and worth.

I stood there, pondering about the things I had to consider and accept for the moment. As I was about to leave the area as well, I saw Juliet approaching towards my direction with a company. I quickly sprinted to the Janitor's closet on my right side and hid behind the door as their voices were slowly getting nearer and louder.

"No, he didn't buy me the pink purse I wanted," the other girl said.

Both of them stopped five feet away from the closet and started lowering down their voices. I was curious so I had to step closer to the doorway, eavesdropping.

"What's the issue between Wayne and Tara earlier at the cafeteria?" she added.

"Obviously she was jealous of me. It's so annoying how she could make a scene like that all of a sudden," Juliet responded, "but you know... it makes me feel guilty somehow."

"Guilty? Why?"

"I had to keep this little secret of mine from them that everybody's clueless of. Even you."

My eyebrows furrowed as I sensed more suspicion from her.

"What do you mean?" the other girl asked obliviously.

"Remember the thing about me dying soon and so..?? Do you wanna guess?" she chuckled a bit.

"You're dying now?!" the other gasped.

"NO IDIOT!" Juliet exclaimed, "I'm not sick okay. And I'm definitely not dying. It was all just one great excuse for me to come here in New York."

"What..yo-you lied to me?"

"To you? Why would you care? We're not even that close, it doesn't change anything.." she mocked.

I was just there frozen, crumpling both of my fists out of disbelief and betrayal. "It does to me," I stepped out of the doorway and walked towards them.

"Uh.. W-wayne? h-how.. how long have you been listening?" she asked nervously and brushed her foot back from shock.

"Since the beginning of your gossip. Should I give you a recall to everything you said? I bet I memorized everything," I laughed sarcastically and quickly shifted into a serious expression.

"Wayne, It's not what--"

"What were you thinking Juliet? You would go to that extent for what?"

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