Chapter 3

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Chapter 3|Gay Confetti

Hey guys!! I'm back with another chapter of this gayfanfic, I hope you enjoy!! (I legit have nothing to say...)


I could start this chapter off with something like, friends. We are the best of friends, and I couldnt live without them. Since I am writing about them, it makes since. Right? Wrong. That's cheesy, and we aren't cheesy. We are losers who hang out with each other. Gay, fat, and emo, that was our dynamic trio. We've been like that forever, and it won't change. Now, let's start the story.

"Aye! Its Nath!" James called out, waving to me. I smiled, and Daisy smiled and waved also. All the sudden I got extremely excited, because JOB RAISE!!! Raises are a blessing I kid you not.

I walked into the pub, and it had a very modern theme. As any other modern eatery looks like, it had abstract designs and expensive looking furniture. It smelt like beer and cheeseburgers, and might I add is a delicious combo. A must have.

I walked over with my phone in hand, and I sat in the chair. "Skinny jeans? Really? Don't look gayer than you are dude.." Daisy said, chuckling. James shook his head, and also chuckling. "I'm sorry closet emo, but I don't need your input on my outfit, seeing as the only thing you wear looks like a black man's ass." I said, flipping my hair out of my face.

"OOOOOOH!" James said, falling back in his chair. We all laughed, and the laughter died down slowly. "Its been awhile, anything happen in your guy's life?" Daisy asked, and James said, "Not really." I bit my lip, and they slowly turned to me."and you?" James asked, and I smiled. "I got a raise today, and now I work with a model! I do his clothing fitting, and his body is gorgeous if I do say so myself. I have a picture, wanna see?" I said, smirking. Daisy smirked, and so did james.

"His name is Mr. Agreste." I said matter of factly, and I pulled the picture up. They looked at each other, and they frowned. They leaned towards each other and began to whisper. "Do we tell him?" Daisy said, and I looked at her confused. "I think we should..." James said, nodding.

"What? Guys what are you talking about?" I asked, and Daisy turned to me. "Did you not recognize? Agreste? The beautiful blonde hair?" She said, and my smile dissapeared. "Its Adrien Agreste, Nath, Adrien from highschool." The women delivered my cheeseburger and beer, which james must've ordered for me.

"I'm gonna take this to go.." I said, my stomache churning violently my chest felt like it was collapsing, and like my heart had stopped. I haven't talked to him in forever. Hell, I haven't talked to him since graduation. I'm so stupid that I didn't realize it. I ran to the bus, and waited at the bus stop. My mind spun as I thought of what was happening.

The bus pulled up and I showed the bus driver my pass, and I sat in the front. I was emotionless, sitting their thinking what the hell was happening.

So, my childhood crush was now my partner in work. So what? Its not like he's going to come to me and sprinkle gay confetti all over me and then take me to his house and fuck me, as if.

Honestly, I don't want him to. Yeah, I don't want him to. Not with his, more mature face, or his manly build. I don't even know him that well. I've never really knew him. I just, liked him.

It began to rain, so i ran off the bus. I got to my apartment, shaking and weary. I walked up the steps, each step haunting me. When I reached my room, I was practically lifeless. I couldn't. Why does this hurt so bad? Why must it be like this?

I walked in, and turned on the light. My apartment was pretty bland. It had a few of my painting and pictures hanging up here and there, but other than that, it was the bland furniture, and the bland wallpaper they provided me.

As uninteresting as it seemed, it didn't bother me. I just lived here, and just went with it. No biggie. I went to my microwave and heated up my meal a bit, and I sat down at the TV, and ate my food.

"The Walking dead new episode... Starting now." I screeched as the TV repeated those words, a smile spreading across my face. This was better.

As the episode went on, I was fine. There was no way Glenn could die, it was impossible. But, my hope slowly dissapeared when he was bashed in the head. With a bat. Alot.

My face froze, my mouth open, mid chew. I blinked a bit, but didn't move. I don't think I understood that Glenn was dead, and yes, it was the end of his time on The Walking Dead.

"G....Glenn..." I whispered, setting my things down. I began to cry, and I cried, because of everything that was happening recently. And if you wanted to know if my hell was going to stop, it wasn't. It just started.

My doorbell rang, and I looked at it. "GIVE ME A MINUET!" I shouted, loud enough for them to hear. I walked to my room, and put on a oversized, pink sweater that had paint on it, and my boxers. I knew it was Daisy, so I didn't care how I looked. She had sent me a text saying she was coming, so yeah.

I walked to the door, and wiped my tears with my sleeve. "C-come in daisy... YOU'RE NOT DAISY!!" I said, falling on my ass, and sliding away.

There he was, in all his glory, at my feet. He tilted his head, his blonde hair flowing to one side. Then out of the blue, bursted out into laughter. "W-what are you doing here?!?! Where's Daisy!!?!?" I said, and Daisy poked her head around him. "He moved in next door and wanted to say hi, so I let him come with me...?" She said, and I was an angry, blushing mess.

"Hi neighbor." He said with a smile. Now on one side of me, I get flustered quite easily. But once I get over my mess, I get incredibly skeptical. "No. Nonono." I said, getting up and turning away. "Bu-" "Nope!" I cut him off, and sassily walked away.

Daisy walked in, and whispered a few apologies, and inviting him in. I curled up again, and watched the rest of my episode.

Daisy joined me, stealing a few of my fries. Adrien awkwardly stood there, looking at his shoes. "So... I'm gonna go unpack. If I could, may I come back later?" He asked, apologetically. "Yeah whatever.." I said in grossed in the show, not seeing my mistake. He said goodbye, and walked out.

"Daisy... Glenn died..." I said, and I began to cry into her lap, after I had so elegantly flopped into it. "I know hun, I know."

After a few more hours of my sobbing and confessing random shit, Daisy left, and I was back to normal. For a few minuets.


Hope you enjoyed!!! I will bring out another chapter sooner or later, so stay tuned!!! Vote for my gay story if you found it quite enjoyable, and then comment if you have a sassy opinion that no one can judge. Love you all SOO MUCH!! XOXO,


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