Feelings Don't Count

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Okie peeps I'm sorry if you don't like the beginning it just came to me and I thought it would amuse you guys but apparently not, plz no h8 towards the 14 yr old Author Chan!!!


I'm so glad Armin and the others are safe, It's all thanks to Levi... which reminds me, he said I owe him... I was Tired and hungry so I ate my food quick and took a cold shower... warm showers, a luxury we Scouts don't have.... when I was done I was on my way to the dorms with Mikasa when a familiar tone caught my ear. "Y/n!" I rotated at a 40 degree angle to see Hanji running at me panting heavily. "Oh, hey Hanji, what's up?" She finally caught her breath and stood up straight.

"Corporal Levi requested you to his office!" I was confused at first but then I realized it was from earlier... "You Owe Me..." Those words sent shivers up my spine. I did as ordered and sped to his Study and before I got to the door someone else walked out. "O-oh heya y/n" Eren was in there? He smiled before I looked down to see him holding a bucket with a sponge. "Again Eren?" He laughed a little. "Oh, yeah" Every so often Eren gets in trouble from Levi and he has to clean up the horse stables. "It's disgusting..." I smiled wrinkling my nose and making a disgusted face. "Yeah if anyone should know it's me... Anyways, why are you here?" I stopped smiling and raised an eyebrow "I Owe Levi for saving Armin during the mission and wondered what he wanted."

He nodded suspiciously and walked off. "Haha Classic Eren" I say to myself before knocking on the door. "Name and Business!" I heard him shout. I flinched but remained calm. "Y/n L/n and you called me here!" I yelled back. The door swung open and I stepped back almost being hit in the face. "Hey!" I said gaining my balance. "Shut up and come in you brat" I made a sour face and stomped in slumping back into the chair in his office. "What do do I owe you? Cleaning Supplies? Money For cleaning Supplies?" I listed off what I could kind of guess he wanted but I was wrong. "*tsk* No" he said walking over to me. He laid a hand on my leg and leaned forward . Before I knew it something soft and warm was soft on my lips. My eyes widened at the sight of me and him Kissing.

I was so confused... and I had a little crush on him... but I never thought he would do this... soon he broke away the soft embrace. "I've been wanting to tell you how I feel. But... I guessed you didn't feel the same way." His voice was different. Usually, he's heartless and stern. But this side of him... was soft and sweet. "I love you Y/n" I gasped and didn't know what to say... "L-love me...?" I stuttered nervously... "yes... I understand if you don't feel the same but I just wanted to get it off my chest.... I hope you can forgive...." before he could finish I pulled him by his collar against me.

Our body's were like a puzzle piece being placed together. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever only to break away for air. "I love you too Levi, there's nothing for me to forgive" he smiled at this a little shocked. "So... Would you go out with me?" He said calmly. I don't understand how he stays so lifeless like that's but I could kind of see the tint of Pink hitting his face when I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. "Yes, That would be nice" He turned a deeper Red and had a crooked smile. He hugged me and kissed behind my ear making me shiver.

I felt something hard in between my legs and realized it was his pressing against me. "L-Levi?" He let go and looked at me. "Yeah?" I smirked and pulled him to the other room which just so happened to be his room...


Hahaha okay I'll see you guys when I get back from this hell hold they call "The Mall".... I don't enjoy shopping somedays... zZzZzZzZz

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