Once in a Blue moon

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~Readers P.O.V.~

Everything around me is... Hot... And not in a good way. It reeks in this dump and I can't see very well. I open my eyes but it took some persistent attempts."H-Hello?" I stood up and called out. I was in a red liquid... Blood!? I saw something in front of me and noticed it was a body so I 'swam' away in the other direction only to bump into another one... "What the hell!?" I'm still alive unless I'm in hell... Either way is bad in my case. I have to get out of here! I went around banging on the sides of the Titan's stomach. No use... I broke my 3Dmg gear so I can't cut my way out. Unless... I wonder if any of these people had gear on them. I checked the first few people no luck. Damn... They're all broken. I was about to give up until I kicked something hard under the water. "Please don't be something I'll regret touching..." I whisper before holding my breath and going for a dive in Titan fluids.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up inside his acids.... Until I felt a metal handle... I pulled it out and to my luck it was functional! "Okay Titan Whore... Prepare to meet your maker..." I've had about enough of this nasty giant and I want out. I jumped onto another body and I sliced the side of the stomach. I sliced and sliced but It was regenerating too quickly. "Damn it!!!" I yelled out before going faster and harder than the first time. Soon I saw light and smiled but stopped when Titan acid got in my mouth. "It's burning me up..." Once I was out I used my gear to swing up to the Titan's nape and Sliced it clean off. "Damned monster..." I jumped onto a roof before it fell making a loud thump. "That was quite a mission..." I whisper before taking in the surroundings. "It was late in the afternoon and the hole in the wall was plugged.

'Thank you eren!!!' I mentally screamed. He did it! I knew he could... Kind of... Anyways I should get back before they report me dead!

>>>Time Skip to Headquarters (Brought to you by Titan repellent)>>>

I just reached the door when I noticed nobody was here. I look back and see they're all killing off the rest of the Titans stuck in the walls. I should join them then. "I hope they're all okay..." I think I jinxed myself because when I got there people were crying and mourning over dead bodies of fallen comrades. I kept walking but was pulled to a halt when I saw Jean sitting by a once outstanding friend and companion. "Marco... no..." I whispered. Jean looked up and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Y/n? Now I'm going insane... I'm seeing ghosts!" His eyes were watering and his legs wobbling. "Jean it's really me! Don't cry look, I'm really alive!" He shook his head in denial. Did they really think I'd let some broken 3Dmg gear and Titan fluids stop me? "No Your not I'm crazy! Soon I'm gonna start seeing Marco too!!!" Now he's getting on my nerves.

"Jean..." I called. He was still rambling on. "Jean!" I called out again but he still wouldn't listen. "JEAN KIRSTEIN I AM RIGHT HERE!!!" I shouted slapping him across the face. "MY NAME IS Y/N L/N AND I AM ALIVE GOD DAMN IT!!!" He looked up cupping his cheek which was now red. "Y-Your real alive!?" He cried. I nodded patting his head before he jumped up and hugged me tight. "Oi be careful you're gonna get boogers on my jacket! The Titan blood literally just evaporated and I don't need horse snot on me!" He laughed and hugged me tighter. I hugged back until I had to let go. "Jean where are the others?" He smiled. "There back at headquarters... All except..." I nodded knowing who he meant. "Marco served well Jean. Don't worry, he's still with us.... In our hearts". He smiled and wiped his tears and boogers on his sleeve. "I think I really did get snot on your Jacket..." I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "REALLY!? EEEEEW!!!" I screamed before we headed back.

>>>5 minutes later (Brought to you by Sebastians Strawberry cake)>>>

I walked with Jean to the stables and saw Mikasa standing grooming her horse. "Oi, Mikasa!" He shouted. She turned and saw us approaching. She waved and then glared at me again. "Who's that with you Jean?" He smiled and pulled my arms putting me in front of him. "Who the hell are you?" I smirked taking off my hood. "Hey Mika, How're you?" Her eyes widened and she embraced me tightly making me wheeze. "I, cant... Breath!" I squeaked before she let me go with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you and Now... It's all my fault that you lost him..." She seems so upset. "It wasn't your fault that I was almost eaten. It was mine for being reckless and careless. So Don't be upset..."

"No that's not what I meant although I'm sorry about that too... I meant Levi... He's moved on Y/n... I'm so so sorry..." She cried into my chest. Jean looked a little Guilty too, I looked at them with a grim appearance. "What do you mean... He's moved on?

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