~To Hell and Back~

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The music is just a good song that I like, It's not really required but if you wanna listen to it go ahead anytime. Anyways Voila! Another Chapter, enjoy!!! vote/comment/follow!!!


~Levi's P.O.V.~ (Warning lots and lots of cussing)

What the hell is with this Cadet!? I don't care if her Identity is Classified... She's really pissing me off! First she's cockblocking me and Petra. I don't really care for her but I miss y/n so bad. I miss her with me. It was my fault she died. I wasn't there to save her. And now This brat's gonna answer me right now! "What the Hell is Your name Cadet!? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" My voice felt different. I don't think I've ever been this way to my comrades. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU SLUT!!!" She just called me a slut!? Before I could retort a response she backwards kicked me in the back making me go forward landing in front of her. She stood up quickly and kneed me in the face, kind of like when I did that to Eren... "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!" She shouted but she was too late. I kicked under her making her fall on her ass and probably open a wound on her back.

I pinned her down so she couldn't move or fight back. "Let GO you Son of a..." Before she could say that I slapped her making her hood go up a little to see e/c eyes. My eyes widened but she kicked me off again and pulled her hood down. Damn I was so close... But those eyes... They remind me of the woman I loved. "I hate you!" She shouted. "Like I care if you like me or not brat!" I shouted back. For some reason she seemed really hurt about it. My heart ached but I didn't know why. "Whatever..." She said wiping sweat off of her forehead then going to the door. "Oi! I didn't dismiss you yet!!!" She turned to me glaring daggers through the hood. I glared back but it seems she won because I stopped and watched her leave. What is with that girl?

~Readers P.O.V.~

That was close as hell... Too close. I need to go tell Erwin about this, and I should probably ask him why Levi was in the workout room when I was training. As I got to his door I knocked 3 times before hearing him say to 'come in'. I opened the door and he knew right as he saw me that something went down. "How nice to see you cadet l/n..." I nodded and closed the door. "Commander he almost caught me. And even when I told him my name was confidential he still persisted on pulling my hood down to find out..." He nodded and put his hand on his chin. "Then I'll have to see to him about that... I apologize..." I sighed and sat down in the chair in front of him. "By the way, You said I could train in the workout room correct?" He nodded. "then Why was Levi there?" His eyes widened at this. "I have no clue. I'll tell him to distance himself while you train. He should have been doing combat training with the new recruits".

My eyes widened at this. "I should head back down to clean..." He waved goodbye and I left without a word. As I was walking down the stairs to my dorm my stomach growled. "Oh yeah... " I said to myself. "I didn't eat anything yet..." I decided to go to the Mess hall for some grub. Once I got there I saw Mikasa in the corner of my eye and decided to go to her table. She saw me and smiled gesturing for a seat next to her. I sat down and began eating sloppily and unstoppably for a long time... That is until a firm hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned to see silver blue eyes piercing my e/c ones. "You're in some deep shit Cadet..." I sighed and stood up walking to the exit. "Where do you think your going?" I looked back still glaring through my hood. "I've finished eating and I am going to get cleaning supplies for my punishment... Why did you not want me to do so?" He crossed his arms and walked over to me pulling me into the hallway. "My office now!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes and followed suit.

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