The Dreadhaven Revolution

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The festival at Lolosia comes to an end. While Gomfalion is having the time of his life, the rebels at Dreadhaven struggle to survive. As the rebels finish planning their final attack, they begin sneaking up to the castle, killing everybody at sight. They then reach the castle gate. They all raise their weapons up, ready to attack. Gonvar announces something to the rebel group.

"Today is the day we have been awaiting all these years. We will defeat Slugwrath. That is our fate, and we shall meet our fate no matter how many people are killed."

They begin banging at the castle gate, in attempt to break it open. They try a bunch of times, and they pause. The adrenaline pumps their hearts wildly and they try again.

"For Alden, our future king!"

"For the many that have fallen!"

"For the revolution!"

"For Gomfalion!"

They scream their hearts out as they continually bang the door. Eventually, after many uncountable tries, they manage to get the gate to break open and they charge to the castle, killing every enemy in sight. The long battle begins as the knights defend their king and the rebels fight their way through the castle, seeking to kill their king once and for all. Blood was scattering all over the place, with spears, swords, and halberds slashing and stabbing the knights. The rebels fight for hours and hours. Many drop dead on the floor, one by one. The number of standing knights drastically drops down as each knight drops to the floor. The remaining few rebels rush up the last staircase. They confront the general. They all attack at once, but the general's incredible skill allows him to kill majority of the knights. He used a combination of excellent swordsmanship and sorcery. It was mesmerising. He slashed one of the rebels, stabbed the other, and used his sorcery to lift one to the air, and use great force to push him to the wall, slamming him. He dominated the battle, but when Gonvar rushed up to him, he is slashed by the halberd, slightly wounded. He keeps casting spells towards Gonvar, but Gonvar is able to dodge them. Gonvar then jumps to the general with a big slash from his halberd going up his throat. The general then falls down, dead. He is then told by Alden to go back down and guard the outside of the castle.

"Go on, Gonvar," Alden said. "You must guard the gates from any other surprise attack."

And so he did. They separate, with Gonvar guarding the gate along with 2 other knights, and Alden proceeding to the throne room, with 4 other knights. He confronts Slugwrath as he stands up from his throne, with his son, Drakath, behind him.

"So we meet again, Alden," said Slugwrath with a mean look on his face. "You killing my entire army does not surprise me. You people are the only ones left for your pathetic cause."

"You stand uncorrected, Slugwrath," Alden stated. "I will defeat you and the kingdom will fall in the right hands! Go!"

The four knights attack Slugwrath, but he is able to dominate. He brings out his sword, slashing the first knight. He stabs the second. The third charges up to him but his neck is grabbed and he is choked to death. The fourth was struck by a flash of lightning from Slugwrath's hands. All drop dead in just a few seconds.

Alden and Slugwrath stare at each other, with Drakath hiding and watching the fight. They then charge at each other, and they begin their duel. Alden attempts a downward slash, and Slugwrath defends, clashing the swords together. Slugwrath then attempts to stab Alden but he dodges. They use their sorcery, attempting to dominate, wounding each other. Slugwrath  manages to put his sword across Alden's arm, and he gets wounded. They continue their long battle, and they both get exhausted. Alden takes advantage of Slugwrath's exhaustion, kicking him to the ground, and using arcane power to push him to the wall, greatly wounded. Alden then walks up to Slugwrath, and stabs him. Drakath runs up to his father. Slugwrath gives him the amulet he was wearing. It was purple with a creepy eye at the center. Slugwrath takes his last breath.

"I will have my revenge," Drakath said to Alden. "I will find my own way to destroy you."

"Then go," Alden replied. "I will allow you to escape, for now." And so he does escape.

Alden takes the throne as Gonvar and the remaining knights run to the throne room, along with a few townspeople.

"We have won the war. I will restore peace to the kingdom," Alden said. "From now on, you will address me by my surname, Alteon. I announce, this kingdom, now ruled by me, will be called Swordhaven, land of the good!"


Alteon begins restoring the kingdom. He then writes down a letter to someone. He whistles, calling a dove to his side, folding the paper and putting it around the dove's neck.

"Send this to Gomfalion in Lolosia," he said as the dove flew away. "He must hear from our victory."

[Book 1] Land of Rising Evil: Light and Darkness (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now