Attack at Lolosia

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A day after the revolution, the dove finally makes it to Lolosia in the morning. It makes its way to Gomfalion's room, and it stands on the window, waiting for Gomfalion to wake up.

Gomfalion finally opens his eyes. He arises from his bed and notices the dove on the window.

"A bird?" he thought to himself. "Oh, it has a letter around its neck. Who could it be from?"

Gomfalion opens the letter. "Alden? Oh!" he began reading the letter.

Greetings, Gomfalion. I just wanted to tell you that fate has laid its hands upon us. The rebel order has successfully defeated Slugwrath! I am the new king. They call me King Alteon. As I promised to everyone, I will be a great king who deserves to be on his throne. I will restore peace to the kingdom. Under me, SWORDHAVEN shall stand tall again. I hope to meet you soon, old friend. It's been so long and I believe that fate will bring us back together. Beware though, I have already encountered an enemy. I still do not know his plans, but your island may already be in danger. Be safe, my friend.
Your friend,
Alden Alteon

"Amazing," Gomfalion thought to himself. "I never knew that they even had a chance of winning. Well, I guess their determination was able to let them push through. And... I wonder who his enemy could be. That said, I have a great feeling it is Valen. It could be him. He was always arguing with Alden. I even heard that they were fighting against each other to win a woman's heart!"

Gomfalion sits on his bed with a bunch of thoughts in his head. Could it be Valen? Will wars start? Will Alteon win the wars? He must. He is the king of Swordhaven.


Gomfalion goes to the big dining room to eat his breakfast with Gamzati. They chat with each other while eating. As they finish their food, they stand up and go to Gomfalion's room. On the way there, Gamzati notices the sky going darker, and she sees a strange figure in the air.

"Gomfalion, look!" she said, pointing to the figure.

"What is that?" Gomfalion was puzzled.

"I don't know either, but I have a great feeling it is going towards us," Gamzati said.

"You're right, it is!" Gomfalion exclaimed. "Come with me, we go to the top of the ship."

They reach the top of the ship. They meet with Mortimer, who also noticed the strange figure in the air. He then makes an announcement.

"Pirates! Pirates of Lolosia!" He announced. "Gather your muskets and your rapiers! To the shore's defense! Every single one of you must defend!"

Mortimer goes down to the shore, as Gomfalion and Gamzati stay on the ship with a few other pirates. Gomfalion, as the commander, gives orders.

The figure comes closer and closer. It then reveals to be a flying castle, on top of a skeletal dragon.

"Valen, could this really be you?" Gomfalion thought. He then made an order.

"Aim your muskets! Do not fire until I say so!" Gomfalion said as the pirates aim.

The flying castle stops at one area. Undead skeletons start jumping off the castle to attack. Gomfalion waits until a certain number of warriors jump down.

"Hold your fire, do not shoot!" Gomfalion commanded. More undead jump off the castle, numbers increasing. Gomfalion then says the word.


The pirates fire their muskets.

"Fire at will!"

They then start shooting, reload after reload. The undead go closer and closer to the shore, and they attack. The pirates unsheath their rapiers.

The battle starts. The pirates keep shooting at the undead, while the undead fight back against the pirates. They recklessly attempt to kill each other.

"Prepare the cannons!" Gomfalion commanded. "Aim at the castle and fire at will!" Gomfalion then jumped off the ship, leaving Gamzati to do the orders. He begins fighting on land as he draws his sword. He fights countless undead while thinking about Valen. This time, he was sure that it was him. He is then confronted by a human, not undead. He wore red armor which looked like some ninja outfit. He had a red cape, and his sword was black and it had yellow glowing runes on it. He then attacked Gomfalion, and Gomfalion defended. The man fought with quick feet and quick swordsmanship, just like an assassin. They both clash swords and push the swords toward each other.

"What's your name?" Gomfalion smirked. "I am impressed with your fighting skills."

"You will not live to know my name," the man replied.

They continue their battle, clashing swords and spinning around. The mysterious man makes a powerful blow, making Gomfalion drop his sword. He then kicks Gomfalion's leg, and Gomfalion falls to his knees. He then attempts to offer a final blow, but then he hears a voice from behind.

"Warriors of the shadowscythe! Retreat! Their weapons are too powerful!" said a random voice.

"My name is Chizet," the man said. "Don't you dare forget me."

The undead army retreats. The pirates return to their rooms. Gomfalion then notices that Mortimer has disappeared.

"Where is Mortimer?" Gomfalion asked Gamzati. "He might have been kidnapped."

"I haven't seen him," Gamzati replied. "He isn't dead, either."

Gomfalion announces something to the crowd.

"Men! Mortimer has disappeared. I will follow the flying castle and I will see if he has been kidnapped."

He then sets up a small boat and he invites Gamzati to accompany him. They set sail, following the direction of the flying castle. After an hour of traveling, Gomfalion realizes something.

"I think I know where they're headed," he said.

"Really?" Gamzati asked. "Where do you think?"

"They are headed for Swordhaven."

[Book 1] Land of Rising Evil: Light and Darkness (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now