♡ 1 Year ♡

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Today marks my one year since I've made my Wattpad account. I signed up because I wanted to read the books the twins read in their "Reading DIRTY Fanfiction!!" video. I never even knew about Wattpad until that very day.

When I created this account, I knew I was not going to write books because I don't like to read or write ahah. But look at me now, I'm writing books and constantly reading lol.

Thank you guys for making this year an amazing year! Wattpad is my sanctuary.

Cheers to more books and years🍻 
I don't know when or if I will ever leave Wattpad, but I know it won't be anytime soon.

Thank you for your endless love and support. You all bring smiles to my face.
I love you all ❤️😘

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