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Tammy's POV

I sit on my bed looking out the window. Rain is slightly pouring down on the cement and grass. Such a gloomy day for a Saturday.

I throw the bedsheets off of me and put on a bra. I toss my hair up in a ponytail and put on some socks.

I lightly jog down the stairs and see my family in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head! Glad you could join us" My mother says while flipping a pancake.

I take a seat at the table next to Emmy. Her head is resting on her hands that lay on the table.

"This is not your bedroom. Wake up" I nudge her.

She sits up straight and glares at me.

"You look horrible" I tell her as I try to finger comb her nappy hair.

She whines and pulls away since I'm "hurting" her.

"Breakfast is served" my mother places pancakes, eggs, and bacon on the table.

"This looks lovely sweetheart" my dad compliments my mother.

She blushes and mumbles a small thank you.


I finish washing the dishes and clean the counters with a rag.

"Tammy, can you watch a movie with me" Emmy tugs on my shirt.

"Sure, what do you want to watch" I ask her as we walk into the living room.

"I want to watch Tangle" she holds up the DVD on her hands and jump up and down.

I make some popcorn and grab a few juices for us. I place multiple blankets down on the ground and throw a bunch of pillows on top for us to lay down on.

"This is so comfortable" Emmy sighs as she sinks into the pillows and blankets.

"Today's a movie day for us while mom and dad are on their date night" I smile while laying down next to her.

I click play on the remote, and the movie begins.


"I wish I was her" Emmy says while sitting up.

"She's so pretty" she adds.

"Hey, you're very pretty too Emmy" I tell her.

"Don't ever think you're not" I tell her sternly.

"You're very pretty too Tammy" she hugs me.

I'm about to start another movie for us when Emmy insists we watch actual tv. I remove the DVD and place it back in the case that we have next to the tv stand. I lay back on the blankets that are on floors while Emmy is staring outside the window.

"It's Gwayson" Emmy smiles and points outside the window.

I'm about to change the channel when Emmy stops me and leads me to the front door. She opens the door and waves to Grayson.

"Hi Gwayson! I saw you on tv" she smiles at him.

"Hi Emmy" he opens his arms wide.

Emmy runs into his arms and hugs him.

"Hey Emmy. Can I talk to Tammy alone" he asks her.

She simply nods her head and walks back inside the house. She closes the front door on her way in.

"I don't want this to be the end of us" he stands in front of me.

"I'm sorry Grayson but this is it for us" I speak with a strong voice.

"No, I want you. I want you to mine" he takes my hands into his own.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Someone who values you will never hide you" I pull my hands back to my sides.

"I don't need someone who acts like they don't want me" I add.

"Goodbye Grayson. Don't hide the next girl you want to be yours again. Maybe then she'll stay" I open the front door.

"Please don't speak to me again" I say taking one more glance at him before closing the door.

I just want to forget everything about him. I don't deserve someone who hides me. This wouldn't have happened to me if I wasn't working for my father that day backstage.

Author's Note:
Thank you for all of your support on 27k views, 997 votes, and 447 comments 🖤🖤🖤

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