Chapter 1- Hand into An Arm.

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Lincoln Esme's p. o. v

I watched as the rain hammered down, lighting striking snd the clouds as black as my soul! Just kidding, my soul isn't that black.

I listened for the girls, Lola and Olivia.

My daughters. I adopted them after the accident. The accident which took my brother in-laws life, Jared, and took my sisters, Emilie. A terrible car accident. My sister lived only a die after the accident, Jared died at the accident. Emilie lived long enough to have the girls signed over too me. She knew she wasn't going to make it. I prayed for other wise, but she didn't want to go on. She told me to take her roll, let them call me mom, but don't let them forget her. The one who gave them life.

The girls are currently asleep, I'm hoping they stay asleep. I'm not sure because of this storm, it's 10pm and it has been coming down since about 5 pm. The streets are practically flooded.

I'm 24, the girls are only a year old. They turned a year a week ago.

They have gorgeous green eyes, small brown hairs on their heads. They look like Jared, but eyes like my sister and I. I have green eyes and brown hair. Lola and Olivia have the face shape of their dad, nose and all. The only similarities are the hair color and eyes.

I turned away from the window, grabbing my dishes and walking into the kitchen as I went ahead and washed them. I dried my hands and put some lotion on as I went to walk upstairs, I then noticed the dog bed empty.

Dreading letting my massive dog in, only imagining that he went out through the doggy door to chase something. I grabbed an umbrella and slipped some shoes on as I stepped outside, umbrella over my head as I looked around my for my dog, flashlight going everywhere.

" Franklin! " I kept shouting as the rain just kept pouring.

Suddenly my Great Dane came running out of the woods, galloping like a horse as he whined at the door.

" What is wrong with you? " I frowned as I moved towards him, petting him a little to try and get him to calm down. I then heard a ton of growling, more than one animal. I reached foreword, more scared than I was signing the papers that said I would be the twins new mom. I quickly pulled the door open, Franklin running in and I too, as I went to slam the door shut, a hand stuck itself in, stopping me from closing it.

I began to scream, Franklin was scared and behind me, but he was growling, slowly inching foreword.
The hand into an arm and into a body as they shoved the door open.

The girls! I let the door go, running for the stairs as I gad to get to the girls. As I was almost up the stairs, I was jumped on, tackled to the floor. Franklin knew his job, that's why I got him. He was protecting the girls.

" I have children! " I cried out as I was being held face against the stairs.

" Children," He growled.

" Yes! "

" You're mine. " He growled as I then, felt him bite into my neck.

I cried out, so loud that Franklin came running, leaving what was the most important thing for the both of us as he stood a bit away from this stranger, growling. He was snarling as he inched foreword.

" Who is the father? " He growled again.

" Please leave! " I cried as I still laid face down, against the stairs.

Suddenly, the pressure of someone holding me down was gone, Franklin wasn't growling anymore and my door was slammed shut. I ran down and quickly locked all doors and I checked all the windows. I ran upstairs, wiping tears as I checked on the girls.

So very thankful that they're fine and that the man is gone.

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