Chapter 3- Burning Neck & Beast.

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* Franklin above! Also rewritten this chapter 3 times! *

Lincoln Esme p. o. v

- Burning Neck & Beast -

It's been raining for 3 days. It's been 2 weeks since the accident, most police have left, but a few drive around my block at night to just check and some drive during the day. My fenced in yard, makes me feel a little safe. My girls have been brought home, I have camera's and a new alarm system set up.

My neck has been killing me, I'm sure it's due to this damned beast. I've caught a nasty cold, my throat hurts and I have a cough, similar to one an old man would have. Losing my voice at moments, thankful my dog listens very well lately and my girls don't give me attitude yet and they always listen.

My new alarm system and camera's are from my rich sided family, of course. Instead of offering to watch the girls for a few days, they simply send new, very expensive things. I appreciate them, but I worry for my girls.

I looked through the mall, eyebrows creasing at two papers.

Justin, Jared's brother. A letter from him, he never writes me. I opened the envelope and I began to read it, quite confused.

" Lincoln, I'm sorry I haven't called and asked for any updates on the girls, Olivia and Lola. I know it's been 14 months since we've lost them, the twins were only 2 months. I didn't realize how much I'd need them as I realized I would no longer have my brother here anymore. I know you have the rights for the girls, all rights. I'm writing because I would love to have every other week and weekend with them. If you say no, I will try my best to take you to court because I have to see them. Being without them, is not an option. I've realized they are a big part of my life and my brother, your sister, would want this. Thank you, please write soon. - Sincerely, Justin. "

Justin wants custody of my girls, 50/50 custody. I fisted my hands, placing the letter onto the table as I grabbed the next one, ripping it open. It had no return address, I had no clue who it was from.

" Lincoln Esme, cutest sleeper. Very cute when she's thinking she can stay away from me. You can't, you've been marked. When you're withering in pain, you'll call for me. Will I come? Not with the attitude and security you have lately. I would take it down before you can no longer move, from the pain. "

Attached was a picture of me sleeping.
How the hell did this beast get into my house?
Withering in pain? Why will I be in pain? Why won't I be able to move?

I placed this letter into on of my cupboards, grabbing Justin's letter as I debating.

Do I call or write back?

I'm calling him.

I walked towards the house phone, grabbing it as I read the letter again. I dialed his number, waiting for him to answer it.

" Lincoln," He answered directly.

" Justin, you want 50/50 custody of the kids I've had to raise on my own for how many months? " I started off as I walked into my dark hallway, searching for the light, but not caring as I knew where I was going.

" I was full of depression when it first happened. As I said in the letter, I will take you to court. " He spoke.

" They don't even know you! Why would I let them go every other week and weekends? " I said as I shuffled my feet.

I then realized, them being gone, could save their lives.

" Fine. " I cut him off.

" Fine? I take you to court? " He asked.

" No. Fine, you can have them every other week and weekend. Starting this weekend. " I said.

" Great! I'll buy everything tomorrow and come get them Friday. " He spoke.

" Yes. See you then. " I said.

Today is Tuesday.

I've handled that, now I have to handle this beast?

but how?

" Got you. " His husky voice whispered as I was shoved against the wall, face against the wall while he had my hands behind my back.

Like he was arresting me.

" Get off of me! " I tried to fight him.

I tried to fight the beast.

" You're mine. " He growled as he placed his face in my neck.

He was smelling me.

" I'm nobody's! Get you filthy mutt hands off me! " I snapped.

I was twisted around and my back was shoved against the wall in under a second as I starred into his black eyes, the rest covered by a hoodie.

" I am not a mutt. I will not take my hands off of you. You are mine. " He let out a loud growl.

" Who are you? " I bit out.

" I'm Hell. "

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