Chapter 9- Actually.

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This is a flashback to cover more of what happened to Jared and Emilie.

Lincoln's p. o. v

I held onto Justin as I stood at the entrance of the hospital.

" I can't go in. " I shook my head.

" You have too. Emilie only has a few minutes left. " He chocked as he pulled me into the hospital. I clung to him as everyone was running around.

It was a car accident.

It was no accident, you can tell by how the car was hit. On the side, it wouldn't really hurt the other person. The other person took off running, leaving their car and everything.

Justin won't cry, but you can hear it and see that he wants too. His voice breaking with each sentence, his sad puppy eyes shinning.

We walked into the room, everyone surrounding Emilie. Pieces of class all over her body, blood coming from everywhere.

" Lin," She struggled to say," the girls, I want you to have them. I'm not gonna make it. " She coughed, blood going everything.

I paled as I stepped back, pressing against Justin as I took the scene in, into memory.

Doctors everywhere, my sister covered in glass and blood, blood on the floor.. blood just everywhere.

" Y-You'll be okay. " I said as I grabbed her hand, her wincing in pain as the pulled the glass out of her leg.

They're trying to save her.

" I won't. " She smiled," Make sure the girls know Jared and I loved them. " She winced again," Make sure they remember us. "

" I love you. They love you. Everyone loves you and needs you. Please fight. " I cried as I held her bloody hand against my shirt.

" I love you.. God has other plans for me. I can't fight, I'm losing blood. " She cried as her machine started to beep.

" Save her! Please save her! " I begged as Justin gripped my hand, as I refused to let her.

I stood there, holding my dying sisters hand as the doctors tried so hard to save her.

Not hard enough. It wasn't working. My vision began to blur, tears pouring out so bad as my parents stepped into the room, gripping my hand and Emilie's.

" The twins," my mom began to cry..

" They're at my neighbors. I had them. " I sobbed as I heard my sister let out a huge sigh and then everything went silent.

" I'm sorry," The doctor started but I cut him off.

" No! Save her. " I began to freak out.

" I'm sorry, I-"

" No. " I said again," please. "

" Their is nothing I can do. " He said," I'll give you a minute. " He said as he then stepped out, nurses following.

" Lincoln," My mom said as she turned towards me, eyes watering as she starred at me, at the tears I already know are there. I was pulled into her arms and I felt us in a massive group hug.

Justin, my father, my mother, and me.

Hours passed, I sat in the hospital room while they cleaned her and the room. I sat there, still holding Emilie's hand as they cleaned her and I refused to let go. Emilie had already started to pale up, eyes closed, machines unhooked.. but I wouldn't unhook our hands.

Because when I do, that means that my sister is actually gone.. and I don't want my sister to be gone. I need her. I need Jared. The twins need Jared and Emilie. Our whole family needs them.

Yet, they've been yanked from our grasp all within' a few hours.

I do plan to find who did this, when I do, I'm not sure what I will do, but as they have broken the hearts of so many in my family and more, I plan to break theirs.

I plan as well to take theirs as they have taken my heart. I plan to leave them empty, as they have me. I plan to make them suffer, as they have me.

I plan to make them feel worse, for the suffering and mourning my family will go through; forever. I plan for their life to be a living hell.

When I find them, I will not stand to look at them. They will not continue on life with their families.

I'm not saying I'm going to kill them, but I want them to suffer and you don't have to kill someone to make someone suffer.

Rest in peace, Emilie and Jared.

The twins, our family and our friends love you.
May your spirt live on.

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