Chapter 29 - Deny her Trying To Set Me Up.

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Lincoln's p. o . v

I pulled the skirt up over my bump and then tucked my blouse and then slipped my heels on, flipping my big curls over my shoulder and making sure my makeup still looked good.

I then grabbed my phone and purse as I rushed out the door. Once I hopped into my car and started it, I realized I had about an extra 50 minutes so I'm sure a Starbucks stop won't hurt, though spending the money will. I drove the 5 minutes to Starbucks and ordered myself a peppermint mocha, glad they haven't gotten rid of it. After I paid the sad 6 dollars and got back into my car, I drove slow to the building as I sipped my delicious drink and smiled as I listened to the soft tune of Ed Sheeran's voice play through my car from the radio. As I arrived at the building, I quickly finished my drink and applied more liquid lipstick and grabbed my purse, locking my car and shoving my keys into my purse as I nervously walked into the building.

" Hi. I have an interview today. Lincoln Rylan. " I spoke to the secretary as I stood against the counter.

" You're about 20 minutes early. I'm sure my boss will like that. " She rolled her eyes," We'll call you back when we need you. " She said, " Have a seat with the other people going for the job today, over on the chairs. " She finished.

I turned around, about 10 girls sat there and 2 boys. I huffed, this may be a bit harder than what I thought. I sat there, eating little pieces of the sandwich from my purse. I made a sandwich for breakfast, but I didn't have time to eat it. I wanted to make sure I was here early. As many people started to go back, I just sat there. My eyes flashed up and I caught a very good looking man walking in, dressed in a suit.

This must be the boss, right?

" Hello. " He smirked as he saw me.

I didn't bother to hide my blush, " Hello. "

"I'm Anthony Marcel. I work across the street at ' The London '. I was scoping out the job. We need someone to work for us. " He smiled.

" So you came over to high-jack his interviews? " I laughed and smiled.

" Kind've. I guess you could put it like that. Are you interested? " He smiled again, a small chuckle being heard.

" I don't think I should just throw away this job interview. I do need it. " I said as I looked at the secretary, she was watching us.

" We do pay more, but you might have to work for a few more minutes than you do here. If nothing works out here, feel free to come right on over. Take my card so they have proof we talked. " He said and slid the card into my hand," it was nice meeting you.." He froze, not knowing my name.

"Lincoln. Lincoln Rylan. " I smiled as I shook his hand.

" Lovely to meet you. I only hope to meet you again. " He smiled and pulled my hand up and placed a kiss on it, I once again, blushed but tried to hide it, not succeeding.

After he walked away, I was poked on the shoulder.

" I am Mr. Kelly. Head of this building. Also the one interviewing you. I seen Anthony talking too you, did he bother you? " A young man asked. I would say he's about 27-29.

" No, he didn't. " I answered.

" Alright. Do you want to follow me and we will begin your interview? " He asked and I followed him back.

As I sat down in a leather chair across from him, I folded my hands and crossed my legs as I nervously waited for it too begin.

" Before we start, I was just wondering, you're the Lincoln Rylan my cousin, Nate has been talking about, right? " Mr. Kelly smiled.

" Yes." I answered straight foreword.

" Pregnant, right? "

" Yes. " I answered again.

" I'm not sure how hiring you will be since you're due soon and then you get about 6 weeks off. I will try and work around it. Let's begin. " He said and picked up the file on his table.

Justin's p. o. v

" Shit, " I cursed as Lola ran away, butt naked. I went to grab her but decided to finish Olivia's diaper. Once that was done, I ran after Lola and heard her scream as I grabbed her. I placed her on the couch and quickly put a diaper on her and her clothes again.

" This is so funny. " My mom walked in.

" It's not fun. " I answered as I tossed the diapers into the trash.

" I'm not it's not. You boys use to do that too me. " She spoke as she picked up Olivia.

" Lola has the personality of Lincoln. I have to adjust to that. " I laughed," They've gotten more wild since I've last had them. "

" I see that. Would you like me to hire a nanny? or a maid for this house? " She asked as she held her phone in her hand.

" Would you? " I said as she nodded.

" I'll be back. " She said as she put Olivia down and walked out of the room.

After while she came back," They'll be here tomorrow. The nanny will watch them while you work this week, I have to run somewhere. " My mom said.

" Thank you, mom. " I spoke.

" When are you going to settle down? Find a girl? " She asked.

I rolled my eyes, constantly hearing this.

I want to wait for Lincoln, but I can't tell her this.

" I don't know. When I'm ready to settle down. I'd have to find someone who will accept me having Olivia and Lola and I'm not having anyone in mind. " I said as I held the door open for her, waiting for her to leave.

" Well I have a friend. Love you. " She said and quickly left before I could deny her trying to set me up.

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