Chapter 13- Hearing your Thoughts?

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Lincoln's p. o. v

I laid in bed, Hell's arm over my naked stomach. We someone ended up in his bed, he was still asleep but I was wide awake. Quite surprised the burning pain was actually gone.

I moved the piece of hair out of my face and Hell began to move. Pressing a kids against the back up my neck.

" Good morning," His husky voice spoke as he stretched, finally moving his arm off my body. I can move now.

" Morning. " I said as I stretched myself.

" I have to attend the pack today. " He spoke.

" Oh. " I said as I rolled over.

" Would you like to come? We can talk about introducing you as Luna soon. The full moon is coming soon.. It would be perfect to do it then." He said as he sat up, the blanket falling down, showing off his abs and v-line.

His very hot abs and v-line.

" I don't want to be introduced yet. " I said.

" Why not? "

" I don't want to be depended on by so many. " I answered truthfully.

" Okay. Will you still come over with me? I didn't book Traven and Lance today. "

" Sure. " I said as I was a bit irritated he didn't trust me yet.

" Great. Get ready and meet me downstairs. " He said as he walked into the bathroom, I got a view of his ass. I got up, taking the sheet with me as I went to my room. I showered and ran my finger over all the love bites I have. I quickly got dressed and did my hair and makeup. As simply as can be with my makeup and I simply curled the ends of my hair. I walked downstairs and met Hell.

" I planned on bringing you with me today, so I have a car. It's too cold for us to walk. " He said as he opened the door and we got into the car.

Many hours at the Pack House, we were still here. Yet it was only Hell and I in his office.

" I need to go home. " I said as watched him type on his computer.

He froze and I watched his eyes turn black.

" No. " He said as he got up and stalked towards me.

I became scared.

" What are you doing? " I jumped as he yanked my arms and made me stand up.

" You're not leaving me. You will never leave me. " He said, his dark black eyes starring at me and his canine's poked out.

" Hell! " I yelled at him and punched his chest as he was hurting my arm.

I was against the wall," I don't want to hurt you. I don't want you to have the idea that you can leave me either. " He growled as he kissed my neck.

Right where I was marked.

I was shaking now, unsure of what was going to happen.

" You're life is with me now. Your future will be with me. You are not going to be leaving me. I will sent for the twins and live will resume as normal. " He said as he fought for his eyes to be blue again. When they're blue, his human is in control. When they're black, his wolf is in control.

" Don't touch me! " I yelled at him as he tried to touch me. I tried to shove him, he moved a little.

" Lincoln, I love you. " He said as I fast walked out of his office. Knowing everyone heard that fight, the door wasn't closed the whole way. Hell came following like a puppy.

" Please.. " I heard his thoughts.

Due to mating, I can now hear his thoughts. I can now mind linked.

" Don't follow me. " I answered and he halted to my surprise, but I kept going.

I know it's cold, but I can't stay in this house, I want away from him and he's everywhere in that house. I then got into the car he had drove us here. I sat in the drivers seat, the car running and being heated up.

I couldn't see the rode, I didn't know which way to go if I were to try and drive away.

A knock on the window made me jump and come back to reality and out of my thoughts. It was Traven. I truly like him a little bit more Lance. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door.

" Did he send you out here? " I said as I looked down, eyes moving my arm to notice the bruises on my arm. A massive one that matched his hand print. Traven noticed too and I quickly put my heavy sweater back on.

" Yes. I wanted to come talk to you myself too. " He said as he flicked his vision back too me.

" Oh," I said as I locked the doors again, seeing Hell come outside. I twisted my body to face Traven so I didn't have to see Hell.

" Why are you not happy here? Why do you still want to go home? " He asked, his eyes looking as if they were a puppies.

" This is not my home. I want to go back home with my girls and my dog, my house. I never said I wasn't happy here, you guys are nice, but I want to be at my house. " I said as I played with the steering wheel, my hands wrapped around it, my red nail polish is chipping away.

" Hell has sent for your girls and I'm sure he could send for you dog. Think of it as a new start. " Traven tried to reason.

" I didn't need a new start. " I frowned.

" Think of it a blessing from God. He would've stopped it if it wasn't meant to happen." Traven gave me a little smile.

" True. " I mumbled.

" He didn't mean to hurt you. I seen the regret on his face. His wolf took control and Hell has promised to never let it happen. He's even offered to give his wolf up for you, but the Moon Goddess won't allow that. He's trying, Collie. " Traven said," Even if you tried to leave, we'd find you. I'd miss you too. "

" If he did it once, he will do it again. He can't just always blame it on his wolf. " I frowned.

" He's been worked up. That's only the first time it's happen. Swear on my grave it won't happen again. " He said.

" Okay. " I sadly agreed.

" Let's talk about family. Any siblings? "

" One. Emilie. " I frowned.

" Lance's friend, Tim has his mate, Elissa and Elissa saw him with some girl named Emilie. Elissa actually killed Emilie. That's how possessive mates are. Soon you will be. Elissa isn't a wolf, it was by car. " Traven said.

" Emilie? Do you remember her last name? " I asked, hiding the tears from him.

" Um... maybe Jenkins? "

Emilie Jenkins.

I am Lincoln Jenkins.

This Elissa had killed my sister all because she was seen with her mate.

" Was Emilie and Tim more than friends? " I cleared my throat.

" Oh, no. Old friends. " Traven smiled," Tim and Elissa are due to be at our pack anytime. " Traven said," You might get along. "

" We won't. I can tell you now. " I said as I continues to blink away tears, Traven watching me in confusion.


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