Chapter 34- I'm A Rogue In My Own Pack Lands // Lincoln, Upstairs!

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Lincoln's p. o. v

I yawned as I stretched and felt my arm hit something hard.

Something hard.. Like Hell's face.

" Damn women. " He grunted as he moved my arm off his face.

" Sorry. " I said as I counted to three and bounced up off the bed and waddled to the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, applied deodorant and I brushed my hair.

I peeked out, he was still asleep. I was thankful I had gotten use to waking up early. I went and woke the twins, getting the dressed for school. I then went back into the bedroom and grabbed my flip flop, putting them on.

I wouldn't have time to take the twins to school if I went to work. Education comes today. Tomorrow, we will wake up super early.

" You guys done? " I asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

" Yes! " Lola snapped.

" Tone, little girl! " I pointed my finger. They stood up and went to brush their teeth. I prayed they didn't get it on their outfit because I'm sure Hell will wake up any moment. I buckled them into their carseats as was about to get into the driver seat, I rolled my eyes.

" Where exactly are you going? " Hell's voice was heard.

" Taking them to school. " I answered.

" I'm coming. I heard you get up, I'm ready. " He smirked as his sweats hung low on his waist, a t-shirt in his hands.. shoes already on.

" Whatever. Get in. " I spoke. I didn't want too fight in front of the girls.

He got in and we drove in silence, only because the girls are slowly falling back to sleep. I'm sure Justin let them stay up crazy late over the weekend. Once we arrived, we waited in the drop off line.

" Ah, are you dad?" A teacher smiled as they looked in my car.

Hell smiled and nodded, I just gave the girls kisses and they got out.

We drove home, still in silence.

" Are you mad?" He asked as we arrived at the pack house.

" No. " I said as I unbuckled and turned the car off and I hoped out.

" I want my son raised here. "

" I know you do. " I answered as I walked past him and into the house. I sat down on the couch as I pulled my phone out.

" He will be raised here. " He said as he sat on the couch with me.

" Maybe. " I mumbled as I typed on my phone.

I was texting Kaden. He's pretty funny, more since we last texted.

" Can't you get off your phone? " Hell growled.

" I can, but I won't. " I rolled my eyes as I continued texting him.

" Hell! " I gasped as he yanked my phone out of my hand.

" Who's Kaden? "

"He helped me move. " I said as I reached for my phone, landing on Hell.

" I'm sorry. " I said as I reached up and grabbed my phone while he was distracted with me on his lap.

I jumped as the door was slammed open, Hell was up in an attack stance as many men followed in.

" Who are you? " Hell growled.

" Black Moon Pack has sent us. " They growled out.

" Lincoln upstairs. " Hell growled, without looking at me.

" W-what? What's wrong? What are they doing to do? " I asked, shocked and scared.

" It will all be sorted. Please go upstairs. " Hell's growls only grew louder.

I made my way upstairs, listening to growls for what felt like forever.

He will come get me when everything is ready.
He will come get me when it's okay.

I paced the room, my hand on my swollen stomach as I tried to not stress out.

I sat on the bed, watching the clock go by.. each minute passing by as I watched.

I text Justin, asking him to pick the girls up and take them too eat. I told him I'd explain later when I come to get them.

I then text Traven, filling him in on everything.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, I peaked out.

Hell was gone.


" Go upstairs. " I growled to Lincoln, wanting to protect her and our male.

Once she left, they started to move in.

The Black Moon Pack is here, because I didn't send them milk for their pups.

Our deal was guards for milk. They gave me guards, but I didn't give them milk.

Truly because I was focused on Lincoln and the kids.

I growled as I slashed ones throat, shoving another against the wall as I grunted with the fist that collided against my face. I kneed him and then snapped his neck.

I slung one against the couch and split the couch, I then turned and snapped another's neck. I let out the loudest growl as I felt a needle enter my neck.

" I will kill you. " I growled as I fell down, trying to fight my wolf coming out.
I growled as I clawed at the ground and them, wanting to kill them.

" Our work is done. " They smirked and left. I was tied between going after them or Lincoln.

My wolf took over and I was now standing on my paws, as I growled and howled towards the sky.

I will revenge.

I was caught between who I went after.

I chose nothing.

I ran into the woods. They dosed me with a silver mixed with rose, making my wolf my permanent look for awhile.

I don't know how long. I've only heard about it, only smelled it and learned how it felt when it entered your body.

I growled as I felt the wind running through my fur. I stopped right at the border from my pack and The Black Moon.

I let out the loudest howl, followed by a growl as I ran off into the woods further.
That silver mix cut off my communication. I couldn't explain this to Lincoln right now, even if I wanted.

I'm a rogue, basically.

I'ma rogue in my own pack lands.

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