Chapter 28- My Friend at The Swift // Not Your Problem.

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Lincoln's p. o. v

I cringed as I packed a little bag for the twins to take to Justin's.

He'll be here any minute. I jumped as the phone began ringing off the hook. I quickly found it and clicked answer as I held in to my ear with my shoulder so I could keep packing.

" Hello? " I smiled as I folded a onesie.

" Hello. Is this Lincoln Rylan? "

" Yes. " I said as I sat down on the couch.

" We want you to come in for an interview! " She spoke.

" Really? " I asked as I already knew who it was.

The Swift.

" Of course! Around 10 in the morning tomorrow. Is that good? "

" Of course! See you tomorrow! Thank you! " I smiled.

" You're welcome. " She answered and then we hung up.

I sat down, in complete awe. I'm going to have a job! Assuming I have a perfect interview. I quickly jumped up and shoved a few more things into the bags for the twins.

" Girls," I said and they turned their heads from the tv towards me.

Kind've creepy.

" You're gonna go spend the week with .. Uncle Justin. " I said as I scooped them up and placed them on the couch, dressing them.

I placed them down and closed my eyes and sighed as the doorbell went off.

" Please stay here. " I smiled at them as I poke their bellies and they giggled.

I walked towards the door and greeted him as I opened it.

" Are they ready? I wanna get home before it's dark. " He cut to the chase.

" Yeah. " I frowned and quickly turned around, not wanting him too see.

" Hey babies. " Justin smiled as he saw them, they smiled at him.

" Here's their bag. " I said as I handed it too him.

" I have carseats for them in my car. " He said.

" Oh. " I said as I carried Olivia out, following behind him who he had Lola. As we buckled them in, I gave them crazy kisses and hid my tears.

" Be careful. " I said as he got in the car. I watched him drive away and I didn't bother to not cry, I walked into the house with tears streaming down my face. I jumped as the phone began to ring and I thought the worst. I grabbed the phone and placed it against my ear.

" Hello? " I croaked.

" Are you crying? Why? "

" What do you want, Hell? " I wiped my cheek.

" Why are you crying? "

" I just gave the girls to Justin. What do you want? " I answered.

" I was wondering what you're doing tomorrow? " Hell asked.

" Certainly not hanging out with you. I don't want too see your face or be around you. " I grumbled. How much more obvious can I get with this guy?

" Oh, " He spoke, the hurt obvious, he then coughed and continued to talk," I have a friend who works at The Swifts. You're going in for an interview tomorrow? Why didn't you tell me you were struggling? I could've helped you. " He said.

He truly had the nerve?

" I am not your problem. MY problems are not yours. I'll be sure to tell your little friend to not go blaring everything about my life to you, speaking I don't plan on being in your life. Thank you so much. " I spoke and then hung up. I didn't want to get angry with him because I'm sure that's what he wanted, I will not be giving him that.

I shut my phone off once he started to call again, I don't want to hear his voice or even see his contact pop up on my phone and that's all I was going to see if I didn't shut my phone off. Thinking of my interview, I need to make sure I have something to wear and that fits me due to this bump I've gotten in the last few months. I locked my door and walked upstairs, planning a nap after I found an outfit. I opened the closet and looked through dresses, skirts and blouses.

I decided on a orange blouse, a tan colored skirt and some nude heels. I hung everything up in the front of my closet and then I crawled into bed, and I actually cried myself to sleep.

Over giving the girls to Justin and just hearing Hell's voice today.

Hell's p.ov

I frowned as I looked at my phone screen, she had just hung up on me.

I was only trying to help because she's paying for the house my son lives in, paying for the food that my son is eating.

I need to help pay for the things My Male is using and eating, only a good father would help. I want too be the best father any child could ever have. I'm sure my Male will be my only child.

I'm not sure on how to get Lincoln to come around because I will do whatever it takes to be in my males life. I will not be an absent father like many people I know have.

I know, you guys haven't heard from Traven in awhile. He hasn't been seeing Lincoln or been in the chapters about our lives at all in awhile. That's simply because I had him in the dungeon for awhile, for kissing my mate and disrespecting his Alpha.

When he got out, I made sure to give him many hours of work so he couldn't go out and see her. I'm hoping, a little bit, that Lincoln will miss him so much that she will come looking for him. Which leads up to her coming here and seeing me and then hopefully I can corner her and talked to her because I'm not sure on how else to get her to come to realization that my male needs me. I'd hate to take her to court.

Sometimes you have to do what you have too do.

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