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Today school was a hetic and the day is not even over.Firstly we had this surprise math quiz and then our english theacher assigned us a lot of homework that I'm not even sure if I can finish on time.But finally the lunch break came and I can complain to Lisa.

"So can you believe that?Because I can't.Is it even possible for a person to write that much?"

"You say it like we are not in the same class."she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh,right.Then I'll just copy it from you."

"Hey girls,how was your day?"asked Yugyeom sitting down beside me shutting Lisa up because she was about to say something mean to me.She never says nice things to me.

"Don't even ask,please.I don't want her starting to complain again."said Lisa pointing at me.

"Like she ever stops complaining."said Jb sitting down beside Lisa.

"That's true."Lisa said laughing.

"No,it's not true."I defendend myself.

"Yes,it is."

"Jb,shut up and eat."I said,also taking a bite from his food.

"You can have it.I just want the stawberry milk."

"You are such a kid,hyung."said Yugyeom.Oh,right he is here too.

"Oh,thank you.I'll forgive you because you said I'm always complaining."

"Still it won't change the truth."

And now it was my turn to roll my eyes at him.I know that if I said something we would argue till tomorrow morning.This is how my relarionship with Jb is,but I like it.He can be really caring sometimes,but then he would be super savage and..rude.


I looked to my left and saw Momo and behind her Bambam,Jackson and Mark.

"Hi,Momo.Oh right..guys Momo wanted to sit with us today,but I forgot to tell you.Is that ok?"I asked turning towards my friends.

"Oh,sure.Sit down you and your friends."said Lisa making some space for them.

Bambam sat beside Yugyeom,Momo and Jackson squeezed Jb between them and Mark beside Jackson.

The first few minutes were awkward and everybody pretended that eating is the most important thing at the moment.Well I wasn't pretending.Food is so good,especially Jb's food...hmm?Maybe if I complain more he'll give me his food more often.Sounds like a plan ^^.

I was thinking so hard that I didn't realised that Jackson started talking.

"Yeah,so back in my country I was a fancing champion.I still do sports sometimes and I like working out.Have you seen my muscles?"Jackson said getting ready to rise his sweater sleevs.

"There is no need for that."said Bambam.

"Oh,actually Jb hyung works out a lot too."Yugyeom added.

"No,no.I don't work out that much."

"Guys,we are here too."said Momo fanning her hands in front of Jackson.

"Well,me and Momo are.Sana looks pretty interested in her food."Lisa said.

"What,I'm not."I said still chewing.

"Oh,so cute."Jackson said in a very cute way making everybody cringe.

"Jackson,refrain yourself."Bambam said with a "I'm so done with you" face.

"Mark,can you say something?Or do you have glue on your lips?"

Omg I forgot Mark is here too.

He looked up from his phone and we made eye contact for a second then he looked away.

"Um,yeah,cool."he said looking again on his phone.

"Alright,he probably won't say anything for the rest of the day."

We talked for a few more minutes and then the bell rang and we had to get back to our classes.

Oh,Jackson and Bambam are not that bad.They are funny.And I think that Bambam and Yugyeom started to be friends.I mean they started to dab at lunch so hard that almost knocked off the table.And Jackson and Jb too.I bet they will meet and compare who has a better body.I really wanted to talk to Mark today but he barely said one sentence...

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