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"Sana can you,please,hurry up for once in your life?!"Lisa shouted from the living room.

"Yeah,wait a second.I can't find my english book.Have you seen it?"I shouted back.

Where is that damn book?And my diary is missing too.I hope I didn't left it in one of my classrooms...I haven't wrote in it since last week,but where did I put it?

After 5 more minutes of searching I still didn't find my book and diary,but my room looked like a storm just passed by.

Great,now I have to clean too.

"Sana,I'm going without you."

"No,wait I'm comming."I said taking my things and getting out of the dorm.

Oh,and I'm late too.

Normally it would take me 10 minutes to get to school,but with Lisa's shouts it took us only 3 minutes so we weren't really that late.

I went to my locker to put my things in,and I also meet Yugyeom there.

"Hi,Yug,what's up?"

"Um..nothing new..but you forgot these when you came to my house last week."he said giving me two books.My english book and diary to be more specific.

"Oh my god,I left them there?I thought that i lost them or something.Thank you so much,Yug!You just saved my life."

"No problem."

"I'm seriously really thankful.You have no ideea."I said putting my diary in my locker and made sure that I locked it well.

"Wait...you didn't read my diary,did you?"

"Of course not.I mean I know everything about you.And I bet that all you write there is about Mark."he said rising his eyebrows in a teasing way.

"That's not...completly true!"I tryed to defend myself,even if it was one hundred percent true.

"Stop lying to youself."he said ruffling my hair.

"I'm over him anyway!"

"Then why did you stared at him for 5 minutes yesterday at lunch?"

"You saw it wrong!"

"I could even see you drooling a little bit."

"I would never do that!"

"Just admit it!You like him.And you like him a lot!Why don't you just talk to him?"

"It's not that easy..."

"Oh so you admit that you like him."

"I'm so done with you."I said leaving him behind and going to my class.

How smart are you Yugyeom?Like I thanks for suggesting me to talk to him.It's not like I've been trying this for over a month.

I entered my classroom and headed to my desk when I saw something that I didn't knew that I needed in my life.

Mark with brown hair.

Yeah,you heard me right.And he looks so cute.He was really handsome with blonde hair,but with brown hair he looks like a puppy.I seriously feel like I can talk to him!Well not now because he's talking with some boys from our class,but maybe in the near future.

"Hey,Sana can you move from the door way?"I heard somebody saying from behind me.

Oh what?Door way?Oh I'm in class now.Oh my...

"Yeah,sorry!"I said to my classmate and then went to my desk.

So embarassing...I can't believe I stared at him like that.

"You did it again."Lisa said from beside me,with a teasing smile.

"Shut up."I said putting my head on my desk trying to forget what just happened.

Why do I always have to stare at him?I hope that nobody else saw it...What if HE saw??He'll think that I'm a weirdo or something...I'll just hope that he didn't saw me.

Dear Diary//m.t. (narration)Where stories live. Discover now