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Today is Saturday!I'm so happy that I can finally wake up when I want without worrying about being late to school,so I slept till around 1pm.

When I finally decided to get off the bed I was welcomed with a very quiet house.

Wth where is Lisa?She usually watches TV loud in the morning...

I went to the kitchen and saw a sticky note on the fridge.

"Hey,Sana!I know that you like sleeping late today so I didn't try to wake you up.I'm out with Yugyeom so don't worry.Also,don't forget that today  Momo said to go to her dance practice at 3pm and don't be late!See you there!


Oh right.Yug and Lisa are dating now.

Oh awesome I should get ready.

But first I want to eat.

After I got ready I left the house.

Actually I have no ideea how to get to Momo's practice...I hoped I would go with Lisa and she would know the way...What should I do?

Oh,I know!I should call Jb!

I took my phone out and dialed his number.After some rings he picked up.I seriously wonder how he's still picking when I call him...

"What do you need Sana?"he said.

Oh,he knows me well.

"I don't how to get to Momo's practice.Please help me!"I said in a cute way.

"Alright."he sighed."I'm gonna pick you up on my way."

"Ok,thank you!I'm waiting in front of the dorm.Byeee!"I said ending the call.

Oh,I think that he was in a good mood.

After 10 minutes I met Jb in front of the dorm.

"Jaebumie,hi."I said giving him a hug,which,of course,he didn't returned.

"Hi.Come on,we're almost late."he said.

"Oh,you can't wait to see Momo,hmm?"I said in a teasing way.

"Shut up and hurry up."he said without looking at me.

After a few more minutes of bickering we arrived in front of a small building where Momo's practice will be hold,apparently.

We took the elevator to the 4th foor and when the doors opened we saw Lisa and  Yugyeom...making out...

"Oh my god,guys you are disgusting!"I screamed covering my eyes even if I already saw the worst part.

"Seriously did you think that no one would see you there?"Jb asked,his voice sounding more calm than mine.

"Oops."Lisa said chucking.

"Sorry guys."Yugyeom said,but I'm pretty sure that he doesn't regret it one bit.

"Alright,let's go."I said getting out of the elevator.

"Sana,you can uncover your eyes,you know."

"I don't feel ready to see again."

We entered a big room,one of the walls being covered in mirrors.

"Oh,guys,you came."Momo said out of  nowhere.

"Oh my,you startled me.I haven't seen you there."I said turning to give her a hug.

"Even if I would have been right in front of you,you would have got scared anyway."she said with a very serious face."Anyway,go sit there.The practice will start soon."she said pointing to a bench.

We sat down and I started to look around the room.There where like 10 dancers,5 girls and 5 boys(they were cute too,I may add).They wee getting in their positions ready to start the practice.

~after the practice~

I never knew that somebody's body can move like that!They were all perfect,oh my god!

"Sana,let's go!"

"Hmm?"I said finally getting out of my trance.

"Where did everybody go?"

"Oh my god,why are you so slow?"Jb said from the door.

"And I'm the one who always complains.."I said rolling my eyes and walking past him.

"So where are we going now?"I asked catching up with the others.

"I'm going on a date with Yug."said Lisa dragging Yugyeom after her.

"Well...bye then.I guess it's just me and you,Momo."

"Actually we decided to go get something to drink."said Jb dragging Momo after him too.

"Well I guess I'm alone now."I sighed.

On my way home I stopped at a convenience store and bought some food so I won't feel alone.

I seriously need to find something to do..

Hello ^^
I finally updated after a long time..sorry if you find some mistakes I will edit it later.
Well..#HappySanaDay since it's still her birthday in my country 😊💞

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