Fantasy medly

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Care not about your pride,

no one dare tan your hide.

You did it too fast,

that spell that you cast,

and that's why wizards can't glide.

D  angerous                                           E  ver graceful

R  ambunctious                                     L  ight on their feet

A  we-inspiring                                       V  ery protective

G  entle                                                    E  nergetic

O  ptimistic                                              S  ing sweetly

N  ever give up

A monster so mean

with horns so tall and flashy

my friend, the ogre

 Let me call my friend

his wings beat a pattern

my silver dragon

I can see my dragon waiting for me,

Shimmering in the radiant moonlight.

A shake of his wings, get ready to fly free,

Soaring above the clouds, to my delight.

A unicorn awaits in my backyard

Every day so graceful and divine.

Songs in every generation by bard,

A unicorn, but none of them like mine.

An ogre is rooting through my trash can.

A witch is breaking jars in my kitchen.

A wizard insisting he's not a man,

Elves are gnawing on my favorite pen.

Everyone of them an unwanted guest;

The freedom they give me, though, is the best.

A horn

Flashing at night

Beauty and grace divine

A unicorn silhouetted

In light.

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