Pick up the Pieces

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I can't escape because they are everywhere i want to escape to run to leave let go run away hide but they won't let me they are everywhere everywhere i go they pop up always someone watching spying making sure fragile little girl doesn't go crazy or just there always there never away just leave me be let me be myself but ever since it happened nothing is the same anymore they keep a close eye on me probably have a network of spies probably paying off my friends is there no one in the world i can trust no one to keep a secret to comfort me be a friend just be there say they understand say they will always be there will love me for who i am will let me go when i need them to will be mine will make me theirs will be there help me not spying not doing anything not yelling when it comes out just letting me relax it is coming out i want to stop it yet not the silent scream let out into the world one day i will let it out one day i will fall to pieces and then that day that i do who will be there who will pick up the pieces?

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