The silent scream

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I march on, silently, telling myself

I am stone, I am ice cold, I 

am metal, unfeeling, 

nothing can stop

me, nothing

can hurt


I watch

all around 

me as people 

push and shove and

even, in my mind, die but the 

question running through my head is

"What is wrong with me why am I this way what

is going on help me please oh help me I'm so scared"

Sometimes I just can't help what I'm thinking, and

it wants to come out so bad but I don't want

it out it should stay in it's dangerous

get back in no one wants you 

stop I'm spinning out 

of control so will

pull me


Am I 

going crazy

or is the world going

crazy? I look around and I 

don't recognize anything anymore

all that's left in the world for me is pain

and heartache and suffering but silently so

no one but the wind can hear no one

to tease you or ask how you're 

doing or to pretend to be

your friend only to use

you again and again

and again over

and over




build a 

cage around 

you  to try and keep

it in but sometimes it needs

out and when that happens there is

nothing you will do, nothing you can do but

give in for it is far easier to give in then fight but

it wants out so often because of the cage and it roars

and rages till you shake but nothing will ever 

prepare you for that first feeling, the first 

loss of control of feeling that there is 

nothing you can do nothing

anyone else can do

but sit back and

watch,  as it

goes away



into the world

nothing stopping it now

like a scream from a silent 

person it has been building up 

inside of me this scream but I can't 

let it out no I can't they wouldn't understand 

they would lock me up and throw away the keys and

drug me, pill me, make me into an obedient little zombie lamb

until all I know is a halfway world, half way between 

living and dead and you might as well be

dead but they insist this is better

at least you are still alive

look at the sunshine

I don't want to

rather be 

dead than




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