Ian's idea: Part. 3

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Gwen's question made Harry suspicious that she was involved with Ian's idea and he felt a rise of anger, "So you did know, you could have rescued me, especially when you knew Ian got hit by a truck only minutes after leaving me in the grave." As he continued his voice rose, "Did you want the double whammy of a double death; is that how black your heart is – Gwen The Gothic Ghoul?"

Gwen's voice rose even higher, to an almost shout, "HARRY – I only found out about Ian's death five minutes before you came into the shop with your 'Ta-Da twaddle and crappy jazz hands routine." As she continued she softened her voice to match the look on Harry's face, "I told you I new about Ian's idea, Ian was full of them." She said.

"Then why did you ask me if any one witnessed my escape; if I'm honest it made you sound guilty?" Asked Harry.

Gwen didn't hesitate, "I told you, to protect Ian's reputation – and yours." Her eyes began to fill up, "You know how weird he was," she laughed through her tears, "I mean good weird, his mind will never be matched." She wiped her eyes, "I don't want people finding out what you two actually did, because they'll twist it and make you both out to be 'MENTAL MILLENNIALS – THE GENERATION WARPED BY THE WEB.' She said, using dramatic hand gestures on the final bit to make it sound like a sensational news headline.

Harry was touched by Gwen's concern but he did feel she was being a little paranoid, "I don't think anyone would ever think of Ian's idea, and follow it through," he said. But Gwen jumped in urgently, "But it wasn't Ian's idea, that's the thing," she said, glancing back toward the high street to check all was clear.

Harry raised an eye, "What do you mean, Gwen, whose idea was it?" He asked. When she spoke, Harry saw it was with genuine concern, "Ian was always surfing the web looking for extreme endurance tests, he believed there was positive pay-back in human endurance." She glanced down, then up at Harry, "Supervised burial – it's actually a thing; it even became a kind of craze in Russia." She shrugged her shoulders and smirked, "I suppose you'd call it an underground craze." Her smirk vanished, "The thing is, the police have Ian's phone, I know they'll find all the 'Buried Alive' sights he searched, he never deleted his history," she said.

Harry's head spun, "But why would they check his phone, he did nothing wrong? He was just un-lucky to get hit by a truck!"

Gwen shook her head, "The driver said Ian jumped in front of the truck – suicide." Harry knew his friend well enough to know the truth, "NO WAY – he wouldn't do that!" He exclaimed, with a hit of anger.

Gwen nodded, "Agreed. But that's what the driver said, so the police will go through Ian's Internet search history looking for evidence of suicidal thoughts and intentions." She sighed, "And all the buried alive stuff will cast a doubt, a shadow." She looked Harry in the eye, "More so, if someone comes forward to say they saw you, Ian's best friend, digging himself out of a grave; do you see where I'm coming from?" She asked.

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