Ian's idea: Part. 8

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Ian was quick to jump in, "Remember, they can't see or hear me; please don't say you're talking to me, Gwen," he said, wanting to protect her.

Gwen looked from Ian to the police officers, "I was talking to myself, I have an imaginary friend," she said.

"Aren't you a bit old for them?" Asked one of the officers.

Gwen run her fingers through her hair, "Imaginary friends tend to be more reliable than real ones," she said. Ian noticed all three of the officers were looking at her oddly.

Two of the officers began to search the area immediately around them, whilst the older officer focused on Gwen, "That was a very cruel prank you played on your friend's mum; did this imaginary friend tell you to make that call?" He asked. Gwen didn't make eye contact, she just stared passed him and nodded, "Yes."

Ian saw a shot of anger cross the officer's face, "Your highly insensitive and cruel call has resulted in Harry's mum being taken to hospital; you do know that acute shock, like the one you delivered can actually kill people?" He said.

Gwen, still staring ahead, swiveled her head, "No, I didn't know that," she said. Ian winced, because although Gwen was saying the right things, he could see that she was coming across as cold and uncaring, the very opposite of what she really was.

The two officers re-joined their colleague, "Well, we can confirm there are no human remains to be found here, nor any evidence of any suspicious activity," said the shortest of the three. He looked at Gwen, "We're going to take you to the station young lady, we need to take your details in case Harry's mum decides to press charges for your ill-judged prank," he said.

In the back of the police car Gwen began to shake and against her better judgment she turned to Ian, "Will they put me in jail?" She asked, her bottom lip quivering. The police officer in the passenger seat turned and answered, "I think that's a question you should ask me, not your imaginary friend." His voice was raised with a controlled anger, "It's time you got real and grew up, young lady."

Ian stared straight ahead and as he opened his mouth to speak, yet another tooth fell out, "Gwen, please don't speak to me again, until we're alone – please!" He said, with a hard emphasis on his final word.

But to his dismay, Gwen answered him, "OK!" She said, causing the police officer to spin round and say, "You've got some serious bad attitude that needs addressing, Gwen Carter."


Back at the hospital the female police officer addressed Harry, "You've got such a good, mature attitude Harry, that's a rare thing in such a young lad." She looked at his mum, "You must be very proud?" She said.

The female police officer was most impressed with the way Harry was taking care of his mum, how he took control, tended to her, and made arrangements to get her home once the doctor's had given her the all clear. If the truth be known, the officer was a little smitten with Harry; and Harry felt she fancied him, and he responded by flirting unashamedly with her.

Harry's mum was beginning to feel much better and her reply to the officer was infused with motherly love, "I'm really proud of him, I couldn't ask for a better son." Her face momentarily darkened, "Which is why I'm so angry with Gwen Carter, whatever motivates a young girl to be so shockingly cruel?" She asked.

The male officer, who had left the room to take a call, returned, "I've spoken with my colleagues, and they inform me that they've taken Gwen Carter to the station." He looked at Harry's mum earnestly, "Would you like to press charges?" He asked.

Harry's mum didn't hesitate, "Yes, I do. That little madam needs to be taught a lesson," she answered.


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