Ian's Idea: Part.12

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Harry sat on a chair behind the door, out of sight from any prying eyes from the observational window. "The guy must be a member of staff," said Harry, the fearful quiver in his voice had subsided somewhat.

Gwen continued to reassure him, "Obviously he is; security's pretty tight in here, they wouldn't let some random free to roam for too long," she said.

Harry nodded in agreement, "But I've still got this gut feeling that he'll do something to me if I leave tonight." He took out his phone, "I'd still rather camp out in here, if you're sure you're alright with me doing that?" He asked.

When Gwen replied, "Of course I am." Harry texted his mum to tell her he'd be staying at a mate's house that night. Being Mr. popular he often stayed over at various friends' homes, so his mum was used to it, she wouldn't be worried.

Gwen plumped up her pillow and placed it against the wall, "Tell me all about your audition Harry, we need to talk about something positive," she said, resting back against the pillow.


Gwen Carter listened with intense interest as Harry told of his audition, and shared all his hopes and dreams for the future, with her.

And as Harry spoke, he saw something in Gwen Carter that he'd never seen before – her beauty.

Gwen's skin, scrubbed clean of her usual mask of Goth make-up was a flawless milky white; which emphasized the striking brown of her eyes, and the plump pink of her lips.

Gwen, suddenly looked behind her, then back at Harry, "What you looking at?" She asked. Harry paused to consider his answer, because he knew it was cheesy. But he said it, anyway, "You, I'm looking at you."

She sat up, and rubbed her face, "Why, have I got food on my face?" She asked.

Harry nodded, "Yep, it's covered in cute," he said.

Gwen jumped to the mirror and glared at her reflection, "Covered in cute, what do you mean?" She asked. Harry laughed, "I'm telling you, you're cute," he said, matter of factly.

Gwen felt the burn of a blush spread across her face. For the truth was, whilst Harry had been talking, she'd also began to notice how cute he was. In him, she saw what the girls, Beth and Tina saw – he really was an attractive guy.

But her blush didn't last long, it was cooled by Harry's widening eyes and the look of horror on his face as he said, "Gwen, it's him again, he's at the window."

Gwen spun round.

She saw nothing.

No one.

She peered closer into the window.

All she saw was the dark of the night.

Looking back, she noticed Harry had become pale. He stumbled over his words, "He was there – making – that slicing gesture – with his hand – across his throat," he said.

A fleeting thought crossed Gwen's mind – 'was Harry seeing things, was he mad?' She thought.

But Harry quashed her thought, "I know you think I'm seeing things Gwen, but I'm not. He's there one minute, and in a flash he's gone," he said, a bewildered look in his eyes.

Gwen sat on the bed and shook her head, "No, I believe you."

She stopped abruptly, looked at the observational window on the door, and lowered her head, "Shit," she said, in a worried whisper. "What is it?" Asked Harry.

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