Ian's idea: Part. 20

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Ian continued to unwind the scarf from around his head, "isn't your second audition coming up soon?" He asked.

"It's tomorrow," answered Harry, with his focus on Ian's unwinding action.

Ian dropped the scarf to the floor, revealing a second scarf which he began to unravel again, "But I suppose you don't need to to worry, your deal means you'll get through in some capacity," he said, supportively.

Both Harry and Gwen remained focussed on Ian, despite the very vocal distractions from Beth, that were emanating from the burial site; they were determined not to miss a moment of Ian's reveal.

When Ian discarded the second scarf only to reveal a third, Harry became irritated, "Get on with it Ian!" He exclaimed.

Ian's voice rose in tempo, "Have patience my dear friend, I'm trying to build a sense of tension into my reveal," he said, with an excited tone.

"But you're a skeleton, we know you'll reveal a skull." Said Harry, before raising his voice, "Unless you've being lying to me and this is all some elaborate prank after all?" He said, his eyes darting between Gwen and Ian.

When Gwen averted her eyes, Harry began to worry. But he immediately re-focussed on Ian, who began to unravel the scarf, starting from his neck, upwards. "This is the final scarf, get ready for my reveal!" Announced Ian.


Harry's mum was worried. It was getting late and Harry wasn't home. Which in itself wasn't unusual, but his phone continually going to voice mail, was. And something else bothered her– the local news had just reported the escape of two young girls from the nearby Mental Health Institute.

Although the newscaster didn't name the girls, she recognised one from the descriptions of their appearance– Gwen Carter.

Gwen the ghoulish girl who had cruelly pranked her by telling her that Harry was dead. If Harry's mum had her way she'd be in jail, not some cushy Institute that's plainly easy to escape from. The reporter said that neither girl possessed a threat to the public, but they needed to be apprehended for their own safety and wellbeing, as they both have quite serious Mental Health Issues and were extremely vulnerable.

Harry's mum wasn't convinced by that, she reckoned Gwen Carter could be a potential threat to her son. She worried that she was going to do something to him as vengeance for being put into an asylum. She rang his phone again– voicemail. But she left another message, this time allowing the worry to be heard in her voice: "Harry, please call me; that girl Gwen Carter's escaped, I'm worried she's going to do something to you. Please call and reassure me you're alright, sweet cheeks."


Gwen Carter and Harry Style's stares were fixated on Ian's head. In the dark light, Harry noted his neck area was bulked out by several polo shirts, but as Ian continued to reveal more, he noticed what looked like the soft pink of flesh and not the white hardness of bone.

Harry's eyes followed the final silken scarf as it sailed to the floor, before Ian's word's brought him back up to his reveal, "Well, what do you think?" He asked.

Harry was speechless, Gwen Carter wasn't, "You look amazing!" She said, as she flew towards him with outstretched arms. Ian and Gwen engulfed each other in the tightest of hugs while Harry looked on, a tsunami of questions and emotions threatening to send him flailing over the edge of his sanity.


Harry's mum's panic raised a notch with every unanswered phone call. She had some of his friend's numbers, but none of them were with Harry or new of his whereabouts.

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