Ian's idea: Part. 30

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Stella watched prank after prank on her laptop, until she began to notice a pattern. The pranks became ever more elaborate and crueller as she delved deeper. She watched aghast at one, wherein two women waited for an elevator in a deserted underground car park. When the doors opened, a blood-splattered scene of carnage meets them: a male body, cut in half, his entrails spilling out of his torso, which horrifically is still alive and begging for help. Before they have time to compute the horror of the sight, a man starts up a chain saw and begins to chase after them. Stella wondered what the lasting effects of such a prank could be? She thought there's a very real chance they could lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorders.

Stella knew it wouldn't take long before the pranking video makers take it to the next level and become real-life murder videos. She strongly suspected that 'Ian's idea' with the collaboration of Richard Kells would take that leap. But 'suspecting' is nowhere near 'knowing.' So she took a deep breath and started to trawl through the comments section, looking for anything that could lead her to the truth of 'Ian's idea.'


Hannah Stialz felt herself fill with rage at the sight of the bandaged talking head that filled the wall in front of her. She was incensed by his perky presentation of her son's extreme suffering, and her hurt. She inhaled a great swathe of air and screamed, "STOP THIS MADNESS!"

The bandaged head responded with bewilderment, "Madness? It's not madness, it's entertainment; and why would we stop it when we're accumulating so many new subscribers?" He asked.

Hannah felt her anger somewhat quelled by a pang of hope that she had got his attention. She decided to supress her rage a little to see if she could appeal to him in any way, "Believe me, it's madness." She lowered her voice and approached the screen, "What you're doing to Harry is sick enough, but having me, his mother watch, while helplessly stuck in this room is beyond cruel, can you not see that?" She asked, trying to appeal to any empathy he may possess.

But Hannah felt her anger rise again when when she saw the bandaged head smile, "Of course I can see it, it's all my idea. I think it's sick and so do my subscribers." He leaned in, "And anyway, you can relax a little bit as we'll be treating Harry's self inflicted wounds, because his vids are going down a storm." He leaned in a little, "You should be proud, Harry's getting the attention he always wanted, people are watching him and being highly entertained by his antics. So we won't let him die, not yet, anyway," he said, taking off his glasses and giving Hannah a cheeky wink.

Hannah felt a momentary sense of relief, as she felt she now had time. Time to think of a way out of this madness with her son, alive. She decided on a diversion tactic, "Can I ask about the girls, Gwen and Beth, are they starring in your videos, as well?" She asked.

He became animated, "Yes they are. But interestingly they're having a completely different reaction to the drug than Harry. Let's just say their trip is a lot more fun than Harry's – they'll be going underground, soon," he said, with another wink that made Stella feel sick to her stomach.


Stella exhaustively trawled the comments sections of pranking videos looking for anything that might link her to 'Ian's idea.' Not finding anything, she remained determined and began to type in the pranks from the screen grab of the 'Ian's idea' menu page. She began from the bottom, with 'MY SUICIDE' and worked her way up. She found no comments with any link to 'Ian's idea.'

She was growing tired as she clicked on the first prank on the home page, 'BURIED ALIVE.'


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