Part 5

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After class, the new girl had approached me and we discovered that we had nearly every class together. Her name was Chiara Steadman and she was surprisingly beautiful, with gorgeous pale skin and an elegant and petite body. Chiara was short and adorable but made up for that with her presence and class.

Additionally, she was also an agile runner. In gym, she had lapped everyone else without even trying, and barely looked tired afterwards. I was delighted when she invited me to eat lunch with her and introduced me to her table, which was mostly full of new girls or completely oblivious people.

Georgia Cornish was not new, but she barely recognised me, and was extremely nice to me. Before I left, we had not exactly been on good terms and I found her awfully annoying, but she was shockingly okay once I got to talk to her. Kayla Foster was shy, sweet and harmless, while her best friend Alessia Simms was a boisterous jokester. Michelle Vu was simple but lovable, and her snacks were to die for.

My outfit definitely did me some good. I perfectly blended in and came off unnoticed by anyone; oddly, I did not meet any of the four boys nor the Burbank twins. I passed Layla in the hallway but I avoided eye contact with her.

After school, I tagged along to the mall with the group (minus Chiara, who had to go visit her sister), where we had a snack and chatted. "You know, Leigh, you remind me a bit of Caley Burbank, but there's no way in hell you're her." Georgia spoke up to my relief. However, that meant that I needed to watch my step. "Caley Burbank?" I asked, wanting to know more.

Georgia crinkled her nose. "She stole this girl Layla Newman away from me and treated her like crap - even worse, she dated four guys at once. Four. She was a horrible person in general." I felt my blood boil, but I managed to keep quiet. That's why Georgia never liked me.

I was completely unaware that Layla and Georgia used to be friends. As far as I was concerned, Layla hated Georgia and used to always rant about her to me, but I agree that I should have appreciated a great friend like Layla more. "How come you never told us about her?" Alessia piped up (more below)
teen.stories.xo"Who are these guys?" "There was Callum Webb, Caley's "main guy". He genuinely loved her and I suppose she got bored. They were okay together. Up to today, he is still heartbroken about what happened and rumour has it that he's been stalking Caley without any results. Second was AJ Byers." This resulted in a collective gasp. "AJ was such a sweetheart back then and was too easy for Caley. She completely ruined him and that's why he seems so heartless now. And then there was Joshua Frampton. I suppose he didn't really count as he was using her as a rebound as well. He openly shit-talks Caley, but apart from that, he couldn't care less.

Oh, and there was this guy Max Smith, but he started college last year. Kid was a genius, poor thing." That was good news for me... I had one less boy to deal with. If any of those four could recognise me, it would be observant, keen Max.
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