Part 7

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Layla Newman was staring me right in the face. My heart skipped a beat, wishing that she won't realise that it was me, although that was incredibly unlikely. She raised an eyebrow, shook her head, and carried on.

What was that supposed to mean? "Don't worry about her, she's just giving you mean looks because she thinks you're Caley. I'll set the record straight for you. LAYLA!" Georgia yelled as she devoured her mac and cheese.
The entire lunch table minus me was eating mac and cheese as Chiara had made a huge batch but I was allergic to cheese so that was a huge no for me. Georgia had commented that that was another similarity "you and Caley shared". I nearly laughed at how clueless she was. Layla turned around and walked towards us. "Hey, Georgia," she greeted. "Hey, guys." Layla's smile was returned by many of us. "Layla, this girl isn't Caley. She's Leigh Banks and she just came on Monday," Georgia explained. Layla looked at me in confusion. "I was so convinced she was Caley..." As soon as I got up to "stretch", she immediately noted my height and took her statement back. She muttered an apology to me. "Sorry about that. My name's Layla Newman- welcome to Jefferson." "Nice to meet you, and no, it's okay- I suppose I'm just one of those faces," I joked, "I'm Leigh Banks." "Nice to meet you. I better get going," she hurriedly said as another girl calls her over. She ran to the other side of the cafeteria as all of us continued eating. I must be doing a good job, not even Layla noticed.

I saw Kayla observing me as we ate and that did weird me out, but it didn't shake me as much, which is why she surprised me when she confronted me in the parking lot after school. "I might not know this Caley, but you are her, aren't you?" she questioned. I gaped at her, at a loss of words, as a triumphant smile emerged on her face. "Kayla, please, you can't tell anyone about this," I begged. If she told even a single person, my credibility will be ruined and everyone, even Chiara, would hate me.
She looked me in the eye. "I wasn't going to, but you can't go like this forever, you know?" "I know." I hung my head in shame. "They're good people, and I don't want y
teen.stories.xoou hurting them. Stay away from them or I'll tell them." Her face was flushed and raging, and I could tell that this was hurting her as much as it hurt me. She deeply cared about her friends. "Alright." I kept my secret safe for now, but I don't know if it's worth the price of losing my new friends. #stories #story #teenstory #lovestory #teenstories #writing

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