Part 18

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~Two Weeks Later~

Grayson and I looked around our gym which was transformed into some form of makeshift dance floor with mocktails and a buffet on the side. Several couples were dancing on the floor, swinging from side to side, while others chose to talk in one of the booths. Since both Grayson and I were curious about the drinks, we went to the mocktails area. Keira Burbank and her long-time friend John Tyrell were managing the drinks, sneaking in a dreamy look every now and then. "Grayson and Leigh? I've got the perfect one," she nodded mischievously. John's hands started flying once he got to work on the mocktail - it was magical. The drink was a pink cloudy-looking mixture that was nicely decorated with two intertwining straws. I blushed immediately. "Thanks," Grayson said. I took the drink and followed him to a booth. We sat on opposite sides and started sipping the drink... it was heavenly! I could feel bursts of fruit and sweetness and cream and most of all, Grayson's face which was two inches away from mine. Two inches too far, I told myself. I leaned in until I could feel his breath and kissed him. He started responding back, slowly letting his tongue into my mouth, and I slid down and started caressing his muscular arm... with my free arm, I closed the curtain of the booth.

Four minutes into the make-out session, I started feeling queasy and pulled myself away. "That was amazing Caley... but why did you pull away?" he asked, confused. I had no time to explain. I immediately ran to the bathroom, Grayson following behind me, and started to dry-heave on the sink. Even though it was a girls' bathroom, he still came in and pulled my hair back - with perfect timing. I started projectile vomiting into the sink.

After I finished vomiting, my head started throbbing and my surroundings started to spin. "Caley, you need to go home," Grayson told me. I weakly nodded and let him carry me all the way to his car. By then, the pain had reduced for a bit. "Grayson... that drink- Keira- knew I was allergic to strawberries." I told him before the world started fading. ~Grayson's POV~

Thud! Caley's body slammed on the seat as she blacked out. I neede

d to get her to the nearest hospital. I passed a red light - nobody noticed - and quickly turned left twice before turning right. I remember this route, I would always go with it when I... never mind.

I picked her body up and ran into an emergency section, where a nurse recognised me and immediately made me lie down. "It's not me for once, Kaya, it's the girl," I explained. She apologised and laid Caley down on one of the beds as I stood, feeling worried. What would happen afterwards? How about her family... Savannah! I still had Savannah's number from when she tried to call me to yell about her sister. "Hello?" Her voice was barely audible because of the dance noises. "Savannah, this is important. Your sister had an allergic reaction, fainted, and is in the hospital." "Oh my god! Which hospital is it!?" "The Good Samaritan Hospital," I told her. "I'll be there fast. Wait there until I come." She hung up. I was planning to wait even after Savannah arrived, but every passing minute got more painful. She came just in time to see her sister wheeled out to the inpatient ward.

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