~Part 20~ Last Chapter~

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I said my goodbyes to Caley last night and kissed her one last time as the machines allowing her heart to beat deactivated. Her death had been ruled as an accident and had no further investigation. I was appalled when I heard this and demanded a proper one, but there was no response.

At Caley's funeral, I wore a black suit and stood between Chiara and Georgia Cornish who was acting like she deserved to be there. Chiara was sobbing - when she got up for her speech, she managed to compose herself. "Hi, I'm Chiara Steadman and I was a close friend of Caley's. She was one of the only people I had who I truly trusted in my life... we've had our good times and bad times ans I'd redo it all over in a heartbeat. Thank you Caley Burbank for giving me the best months of my life. It's such a shame that you had to go so early since I kind of imagined us growing old together and all... but I guess the good ones die first." She sighed and started choking, her hand immediately flying up to cover her mouth as she left the stage.

The minister nodded in approval. "Thank you Miss Steadman. Next up, we have Caley Burbank's friend, Grayson Powell." I stood up and faced the crowd, the way Caley did when she asked me out to the ball. "I'm Grayson Powell and I loved - no, love - Caley with all my heart. She was a sweet and caring girl who fought for what she wanted and was always resilient. She never gave up and that is what I admired about her. I wish Caley could've gotten a better life which wasn't as short and as sad, and I'll always remember her. I'd do anything for her." I paused. "Last but not least, I promise to avenge her death. This is not an accident." Screams of protest began to erupt from the audience and I sat back in silence as Mrs. Burbank tried to calm the hysterical guests. I had caused a commotion, but I needed to get that out.

I will avenge her death.
Last chapter sorry she didn't post no more so 😘😝✨VOTE COMMENT AND ADD TO LIBRARY

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