Chapter 2

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Picture of Ianna above

We drove up to this village of people but we kept going until the meet a dirt road. The driver kept going, it felt like thirty minutes before we stopped. We were parked in front of the most beautiful wood cabin, Jax smiled as he looked at me. " What " I asked and instantly regretted, " Just how in aw you where when we drove up " he looked at me with pity. "You now that you can talk to me" he said with sympathy, " I... I'm just used to being slapped if I talk with out being told" I said looking down not wanting to make eye contact. " Here that's not a rule the only rule is do things when I say and you won't get hit" I could tell by his tone he wanted to hit me, he want me to misbehave so he would have to hit me.

We got out of the car my face still in aw, he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. I walked slower than him due to the fact I was in pain and looking at all my surroundings. He got to the oak door and opened it, a cold blast of wind hit my face. I held his hand out for me to go in first, I stepped into the house and looked around. Jax walked in and pulled me up stairs to a room with a black door. I was scared but I didn't want show it because at the shop they would beat you.

"This is your room"he said as he opened the door. I walked in, the room was full of light. It was a badge color, it had light hard wood floor, a bed, and a desk. I saw a balcony which had silver iron bars. " This is beautiful " I said as I turned around to face him, he smiled. "I'm glad you like it" he said walking closer, "Here put this on" he said handing me a black dress." Why " I asked, " the pack is coming over and I want you to look nice" he said. "Plus you are going somewhere special tonight"
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