Chapter 19

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"Wake up" I heard a soft voice said, my vision was to blurry to focus. "You have been asleep for a while" finally me vision focused, it was Lowell.

"Why are you allways involved with all the bad things that happen to me" I said glaring at her. My hands were aching from them being so stiff behind my back. "Can't help my feelings" she said getting closer.

"I love you Ianna, and that's why I want to hurt you so much for what you did to me" she said holding my face. "I didn't do anything to you" I said turning my head.

"Of course you would think that, but the truth is that you hurt me by running away" she said smacking me across my face.

"And that's why I have been wanting to do this to you, as a punishment" she said placing her hand under my shirt. "Don't even try escaping because if you even try to I will kill Jax" she said now placing her hand under my bra.

"Listen, I will give you anything if you don't hurt him" I said pulling away. "Anything" Lowell said grasping me. "Anything" I replied, " Well if its anything I guess we have deal" relief swept over me but I knew what she wanted and i still asked.

"What do you want" I asked pulling back, "Your body for tonight with you struggling, I want to make this a little hard and don't use your powers on me or we have no deal" she said seductively.

"We have deal then" I said and I hated that I said that but it was for Jax. "Good" she said untying my hands. 

 She pinned me on the floor then I realized we were in a dungeon, Eric's dungeon. It finally came to me after all this time, Lowell was working for Eric. 

She kissed down my neck and reached down my pants. Lowell pulled down my shorts and pulled on my panties. I pushed her off and pulled up my pants "Your not getting me this time Lowell" I said.

I slammed her against the wall with all the strength I had. She hit the floor with a thud, I grabbed her and then pushed her against the wall again this time holding her in place. "Wheres Jax" I said trying to stay calm.

"We made a deal" she screamed, "I don't care tell me were he is" I said almost growling. I felt a pain in my arm. I screamed so loud that my ears rang, my knees hit the floor and pain surged through me.

I looked up to see Jax there with his canines bloody and anger in his eyes. He came forward but Lowell pulled him back "Good job pet, she must have learned her lesson now" She said  holding his face with pride.

"What did you do to him" my voice was cracking from pain. "I made him into the monster he has always been" Lowell said picking me up and pressing me against he wall. "Go pet, hopefully I wont be needing you" Jax disappeared into the shadows at that command.

"Get off me this is your last warning Lowell" I said my hands burning. "You think I'm going to listen to you" she said.

I gripped her wrist and threw her across the room she fell in the middle of the air being caught  by Jax. He ran towards me full speed and trapped me in the corner, he bared his teeth and got closer.

"Jax think about your child you'd be killing them to" he stopped and  managed to look at me . "   "Ianna I won't be able to fight this so go and i'll try to keep her here as long as I have control" he said going over to Lowell.

"I'll come back Jax I promise" I whispered before I ran out of the dungeon. I was going to come back no matter how much of a monster he was. I ran trough the woods my heart beating all I thought about was Jax.

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