Chapter 14

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My heart was still racing with thought's and what I did. I had so many questions on what I did. But today all I have to worry about is killing Eric at the altar or at least having him not kill me. I heard a knock on the door making my nerves go crazy.

   "Come in" I said a little nervous, the door opened and Lowell came in. "Lowell what are you doing" I asked coming forward. "Listen I underestimated you and I shouldn't have but Ianna I do really love you more than I loved my boyfriend" she said a shamed.

  "Lowell I am sorry but you know if I did have a choice you would not be it and i'm sorry but that's how it is" I said. "Why are you here" I asked trying to change the topic, "I am your stylist" she said coming in completely.

  She sat me down on the chair and started to do my makeup, but sh didn't do much before she got out the wedding dress. It was strapless, it had lace and jewels on the top, the bottom was flat and silk. "Do you like it" she asked, "Yes of course" I said trying not to cry.

 This day was the day I was waiting and dreaming for all my life. But it wasn't with someone I truly loved it was with someone I used to love. Lowell walked in front of me and said "Are you ready to go". "I guess" I swallowed back any tears that were going to come out.

As we were walking out of the dressing room I grabbed the dagger that was on the table. The dagger rubbed against my skin as i walked.

We got the courtyard which had a stone pathway that lead to altar. Music started playing as I walked down the aisle. I reached altar were Eric stood smiling. "We are here today to celebrate the happy couple" said the preacher.

 "Ianna repeat after me, I will love and share all I have and will not be less Lunar than I am expected" I repeated those same words feeling like a fool.

"Eric repeat after me" said the preacher, "I will not be any lunar and I will always share what I have for anyone I love" Eric repeated those words.

"You may now kiss the bride" said the preacher. As Eric leaned in to kiss me I pulled out the dagger and put around his neck. He seemed quiet surprised of what I did, guards came out of the crowd but I pressed harder on his neck. Shock was on Jax's and Parker's face but Jahnea had a smile.

 "Ianna I may say you have courage but that was a stupid idea" he tried to pull my hand away. "Move and i'll slit your throat" I said as I looked to a girl with long blonde hair come over, crying.

 "Please don't kill my mate, please" She begged. I stared at her my eyes burning with tears, the Eric spun around and pushed me to the altar his wolf showing. "I told you you shouldn't have done that" he said and then paused blood pouring out of his mouth.

 I stabbed him in the stomach and pulling the dagger up for a deadly kill. He fell on the ground staring at me  mumbling something . "NO" the girl with blonde hair screamed, no one else stepped forward.

 Jax ran up and hugged me "Ianna i'm so glad your alive" I hugged him back. "Sorry to ruin your moment guys but I think we have a bigger problem" Said Parker. We looked back to see werewolfs glaring at us ready to pounce. Jax picked me up bridle style and started to run from the wolfs.

 I was finally with someone I loved and He loved me to I can't wait to get married to him one day.


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