Chapter 7

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Lowell didn't come back, I waited at least 20 minutes. I got up and went down stairs to the ball room. What was I going to tell Jax, what would he think. My mind was racing, I couldn't focus.

Am I Lowells know and why didn't Jax claim me he had many chances. Just act strong nothing bad is going to happen.

After all that thought I could finally focus on were I was going. "Damnit" I was going the wrong way. As I turned around I saw Parker, " You lost" he said holding out his hands. "Sadly yes" I took his hand not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Are you ok" he said looking at me.
"Yeah why do you ask" I said as calm as I could.
"Well it's just, never mind"
"Parker what's wrong "
"It's nothing"

We finally got to the ballroom and he let go of my hand. "Well I'll see you in there" he walked away into the crowd. I walked in a different direction, there was beautiful music and the decorations. Completely in awe, I just stared at everything.

" Do you like it"I turned around shocked at to who was saying that. "Jax" I said dreading to talk to him. "I'm going to take that as a yes" he said smiling, that was one of the first times I've ever seen him smile."Do you care to dance"he said holding out his hand.

"Of course" I was trying to keep my self calm but I couldn't. On top of everything I couldn't tell Jax. I have to tell or I won't be able to live with myself for doing this to him.
"Jax, I need to tell you something"

Flash back

I ran through every hall, trying to calm myself down. Who were those guys and why are they here. My breath was the only thing I could hear.

Darkness overwhelmed my inside , I have to go back but my instincts were telling me not to. I went ahead to the ballroom already regretting this decision.

End of Flash back

"YOU WERE WHAT" Jax screamed, "Listen I didn't do it by choice". He glared at Parker." You, this was you" he said angrily walking over to Parker . "What was me" Parker said in confusion. "You claimed her, all because your mate wanted me instead".

"She did not want and neither does Ianna" Parker almost screamed. He was very offended by Jaxs comment. "But I didn't claim her".

"YOU LIAR" Jax jumped in the air and transformed and so did Parker

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