Chapter 15

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 We got back to the house all of us exhausted, well except me. "That was your plan, to kill Eric" Jahnea said in between breath's. "Why did you do that" asked parker leaning over.  

 "Well that was my only plan and it worked out WITH OUT ME DIEING I might add" I said and Jax just started to laugh at me."Whats so funny" I crossed my arms acting offended. "Nothing your just cute when your mad" he said smiling.  

 I smiled back but then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Are you ok" said Jahnea coming over to me. "Yeah it's just" I was cut off by puke filling my mouth.

 I ran to the bathroom and threw up, "Ianna" Jax came in the bathroom kneeling by me. "I'm fine it's just I don' feel well, it's probably nothing".

"Hey Ianna could you come with me up stairs" said Jahnea. I went up stairs and changed into something comfortable. "Are you sure your ok" she asked. "Yes i'm fine" I said realizing iv'e threw up every morning this week.

 "Well if you are fine then lets go in the woods for a hunt" she got up and held out her hand. "Good thing i'm good with a bow" her eyes widened. "You are" She asked, "I'm not all helpless" I said getting up.

(Time skip)

After we got back we caught two deer and good thing to because both the boys were very hungry. The whole time we were in the woods I was thinking why I threw up every morning.

 Am I sick, maybe but I wouldn't be able to function as well. Then I realized what it could be.

Since everybody was in the kitchen I went up stairs. Looking through all the cabinets I finally found what I was looking for, a pregnancy test.

 After I did it I did not want to look down afraid of what I might find. When finally I got enough courage to look down I did.

My fear came true but it turned to joy, it was positive. I am going to have a baby with the one I love. Tears fell down my eyes and a smile spread on my face.

"What am I going to tell him" I said aloud, then there was a knock on the door. "Ianna are you ok in there" it was Jahnea. 

I got up off the floor and opened the door, I pulled her in. "Whats wrong" she said as she touched my face.

"Jahnea promise me you won't tell this to anyone" I said holding her hands. "I promise" she said without thinking.

"I'm pregnant" shock hit her face, then she smiled. "Really" she hugged me not letting go. "Are you going to tell Jax" she asked, " I'm planning to" I said.

I can not believe that this has happened, even though I was happy will jax be?


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