Chapter 10

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We walked to a huge Cabin,it was beautiful. The outside was silk wood which was a dark brown. There was a stone path that had a gray tint. When we walked into the cabin it was cold but it felt warm with Jax by my side.

Eric they're here," the man said in a stern tone. "Thank you Miller you can leave know," the guard left glaring at me. The man in the chair turned around and sat up, "Well don't be shy!" I immediately knew who it was and my face burned up that instant. "Don't be rude, I thought your pack knew better Jax," I could tell Jax was offended by that comment. He kneeled and so did everyone else.

As my feet hit the ground, shock lit up Eric's face. I didn't care what anyone else did all I cared was if he remembered me. I stepped in front of him and slapped him.

Flash back

Trying not to get caught I hid behind a wall every now and then. Once I reached the ballroom there was no noise.

I looked in and Eric layed on the floor a stream of blood around him. "Erin!" I ran to him kneeling. "Eric," my voice shaking, I put my hand on his chest he was breathing, barely

"Ianna leave," was all he said fear in his eyes with a slight painful tear. "I'm not leaving you," I said almost not audible.

All of the sudden I was grabbed from behind, I screamed from surprise. They covered my mouth with there hand.

Tears piled in my eyes all I could do was nothing. To tight of a grip and to much pain in my heart to do anything. He was going to die and I wouldn't be there to give his last happiness on my part.

End of Flash back

Shock hit Eric's face because he saw me. I then punched him and he fell on his back. I grabbed his collar and pushed him up to the wall my arm against his neck. "I thought you were dead" saying this so only he could hear.

"Ianna it's a long story" he said putting his hands up in defense. "I don't care" I pushed him further . "Your father told me not to marry you and that's the only thing I could think of"

"My fathers dead" I said on the verge of ripping his throat out

"No he's not he lives in cabin 43"

I ran out of the house crying my fathers dead and I knew it but my curiosity was killing me

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