3. b i g y e l l o w d o g

436 20 2

C a r a :
As I go down the broken,old, and dusty stairs, I see that their is a lady who looks like Belle from beauty and the beast and her daughter who looks like Aurora from sleeping beauty are in my kitchen.

"Hello darling, these are our new neighbors. They came to visit us and welcome us to the city." My mom says.

         I wave at them and they look taken back for a second. I would have said hi but then I'll have to say words so I'll just be quiet.

"Hello Sweetie I'm Alexandra and she's my daughter Andie" Belle, or Alexandra, says too me. Her daughter is a complete reflection of Aurora. I'm a tad jealous she looks like a Disney princess.

"Hey andie, how about you show cara around." My mom suggests. I could see Aurora doesn't want to do it but to not be rude she nods. We both head out the door and go out to the road.

"So have you ever been here before" Andie says. Her blonde ponytail is blowing in the wind

"No." I say. That's some of the only words I could say without stuttering. I want her to know what's my situation but not yet.

        "Okay." She said. We past by this big red house which I assume is hers because it's right next to mine.

"Hey, you-" She was cut off by a big dog running toward us. Before I could react, the big dog jumps on me and starts licking my face.

"BESTY! Get off of her" I don't think Besty understands because she keeps licking me. I push the dog softly off me and start picking the blonde hairs of my pants.

"Besty sit! Sit" Andie says to her dog. The dog is so adorable. Her beautiful blonde fur goes perfect with her blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry Cara! This is Besty. My brothers dog. And this dog," she points to the dog, "does not know manners.
I nod and go pet the dog. Besty tries to lick me again but Andies holding her.

"Come into my house. Well get you clean up and talk." She says with a big smile on her face.

"O-okay" I say so low she can barely hear me.

"BESTY COME BACK HERE!" I hear Andie scream and chase after her. I laugh. I realize this is the first time I laugh. Maybe living here may not be bad.

Hey guys told you guys I'm updating. I love reading your
Comments so keep commenting to make me smile -jay :)

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