4. b i g b l u e t e a r s

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  C a r a :
      "Hey, would you like some lemonade?" Andie asks. Her house is so nice. The white tiles on the floor are so shiny and the pictures on the kitchen wall are so cute. There is Andie in her moms hands and her brother giving a toothy smile. 

I shaked my head.

      "Come on Cara! Can you at least say
something. OMG !" I see Andie rolling her eyes. I decide to take a paper and say the secret I was supposed to keep.

i cant talk properly
        ps. please don't act like a bitch

     I pass the note to Andie. She reads it and looks like she's going to explode.
  Before she could say anything I say,  "L-letts  s-start a-agai-in. I'm C-cara" I get out. After I said those words I could see how now she realizes so many things.

       "Oh, OH! Cara I'm so sorry" she says and hugs me. It feels as if she's killing me. She starts wiping her tears.

      "C'mon let's go to my room" She says, and before I could protest she grabs my hands and starts pulling me.

         "Oh my," I say as I enter Andies room. Her room was so big that it was like I could have a party in this room. The pastel pink is walls go perfectly with the white rug. Andie made me take my shoes off. So now I was with my minion socks. 

         "This is my room" She says to me. I could see her twirling her hair with her hand and I could see she's nervous.

            "D-do y-you w-w-ant t-to s-say s-some t-thing?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything but instead she takes her sweater and shows me her hand.

Right in the middle of her hand is a big scar. I can't say the words I'm thinking so instead I write them on a napkin.

       Andie what happened? Why,
              why tell me this

    "I just feel like I could trust you" she says wiping her tears. Before I know it, I feel tears on my cheeks.

              But Andie your so beautiful
               Why do this to yourself

      "My dad. He died in a car accident two years ago. My whole family was devastated. Going to school was tough. People kept saying "oh how does it feel being dadless" or "you should've died instead of your dad" and that really felt bad so I needed someone but no one was there so I wanted to end my life. Before I could of done something, my brother came and did something that saved my life." She says. I wipe my tears and hug her so much.

I remember when I was bullied and I had no one and now Andie is here and I could be like her sister.

        Andie, I'm here now I'll always be here

     I write the note and look at the rug. The rug is wet and I think Andie notices because she laughs and I start her laughing with her.

     "Cara, I'll help you. You can come everyday and we will practice your speech." She says. I'm suprised because no ones there for me but now there is.

I nod. I hear Besty woof and something breaking. Me and Andie look at each other before running downstairs. Seeing Andie be there for me, I realized I have a true friend.

            hi guys this chapter
         is one of my favorites
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