Chapter 2 - What's He Doing Here?

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Skylar's P. O. V

As I rushed into homeroom I was greeted with a large smile from one of my favorite teachers Karen, who for professional reasons I had to call Ms. De Luca. She was a tall, slim woman with long, wavy, red hair and very pale skin. Her and I always had more of a friendship rather than a student and teacher relationship due to the fact that she was only twenty-four years old.

"Hey Kar- I mean Ms. De Luca what's up?"

" Not much. What about you, are you kinda excited that you're finally a junior?" She replied.

"I guess so, hopefully this year something great will happen to me." I enthusiastically told her then left her desk.

As I was making my way to find a seat I saw Lauren already seated, but what really caught my attention was the tall, brunette, blue-eyed guy that she was having a conversation with. He looked familiar but I couldn't figure out who he was. I guess he was new. But whoever this guy was, he had my best friend blushing like I've never seen before. So, I knew I had to get to the bottom of that a little later. Matchmaker powers activated.

Due to the mystery guy being seated in my usual seat I was forced to sit in the back. So, I made my way to the back of the class and quickly took a seat, then rested my bags on the side of the desk next to my feet, before the morning announcements could come on over the P.A. System.

Taking a glance around the classroom I saw many familiar faces from last year but one face that made my observation of the class come to a halt was Jason Edwards'. Upon seeing him, I felt my face instantly contort into a scowl.

From last year Jason, has always been hitting on me and trying to get me to go out with him. I never gave him the time of day though, because although he was the captain of the soccer team, had the most beautiful brown locks in the world, an absolutely, perfectly sculpted body and a smile out of this world, he has a horrible personality.

He is the most big headed, egotistical, jerk on the face of the earth! He always leads girls on to make them think he really cares, then once he sleeps with them he dumps them, and then moves on to the next girl or should I say victim.

He must have felt my prolonged gaze on him, because he instantly turned in my direction and gave me his signature sly smirk, accompanied by a wink. Then he returned to his original position, which caused his girl of the week, Ashley, to give me the stink eye and flip her blonde extensions before returning to her minions whom Lauren and I call 'tweedle dee and tweedle dum'.

My thoughts had been suddenly cut off by the sound of the P.A. System coming on. A very deep, unfamiliar, raspy, English accent blared through the speaker saying, "Good Morning students and faculty, many of you may be curious about who I am and where Principal Taylor is..." Hell yea we are! Principal Taylor is one of the best principals out there. He actually listens to what students have to say and not to mention, he is extremely down to earth.

He then continued "Well firstly my name is Jack Harris and I'm going to be your new principal for the year due principal Taylor having to fly to Australia for family matters. So, I hope that you guys can accept me into your school and that I can live up to principal Taylor's standards. Also, I would just like to say have a wonderful first day everyone." Then the P.A. System cut out. What the hell, where did this new guy come from.


First period, which was math had just started. Both Lauren and I took our seats which was to the far left of the class, making sure that we sat side by side.

"So I saw you in homeroom talking to that really cute guy, care to fill me in?" I asked with a suggestive tone and a smirk.

"There is nothing to fill you in on, because he's just some guy in our homeroom who I just so happened to have a conversation with. Also, please wipe that crazy smirk off of your face it's starting to creep me out." She replied while playing with her fingernails and not looking up at me once.

"That's bull and you know it, because you didn't look up once when you said that and I know that's your tell. So you're definitely lying and my smirk is not creepy."

"Yes, it is Sky and and I'm not lying." She replied in a defensive tone. She was so lying.

"Fine then I won't bother you about it, but at least tell me his name." I replied, eagerly awaiting her response.

"Ok, his name is-" Lauren was cut off by the sound of our math teacher, Mr. Moreno, clearing his throat, "Class we have a new student and his name is Cole Harris. I trust that you will all make him feel welcome."

Upon hearing this, I turned my head to the front of the class to see who the new student was, but when I saw him I froze. This guy was insanely hot! My breath suddenly caught in my throat. What the hell is happening to me, I never freak out like this over a guy.

My eyes began to rack up his body. Those boots. That jacket. Those muscles. That pale skin. Then suddenly it all came flooding back where I knew this guy from.

"It can't be him." I told myself shrugging off my ludicrous thoughts.

The new guy then locked eyes with me, and a smirk instantly came across his pale face. Then he sent me a very familiar wink. Bloody hell! It's him.

Lauren nudged me on the arm and whispered, "Is that who I think it is?"

I just nodded my head in response in to Lauren's question, while still holding eye contact with the source of my nerves. What the hell was he doing here and why am I getting so nervous?


Thanks for reading guys. I hope it wasn't too sucky. If you have any questions ask in the comments.

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Who do you guys think the new guy is? The first one to answer correctly will get the next chapter dedicated to then. Sorry this chapter was so short guys.

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