Chapter 7 - The Bad Recurrence

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Skylar's P.O.V

The sun rays creeping through the curtains of my bedroom window woke me up from my peaceful sleep. My eyes suddenly opened due to the light shining on me.

After my eyes readjusted to the amount of light in the room, I looked over to the alarm clock to see that it was 6:00AM. But, instead of going back to sleep I decided to get up and go do the thing I loved the most. Dance.

Removing the blanket that was thrown across my body, I quickly got out of bed and put on a pair of black leggings and a white muscle tee, which I paired with my dance shoes. Then I put my hair into a messy bun and headed to the dance studio my parents had built just for me.

The studio was built when I was ten, after I had won the best overall in a dance competition against a hundred other girls.

My parents saw my real talent from that competition and it made them realize that dancing was really important to me. So, they built the studio and ever since, I would go into the studio once or twice a day to just dance and just clear my head.

Stepping into the studio, I was greeted by the familiar white walls, the mahogany wood floors, the large mirrors and ballet barres; that I have become so accustomed to seeing and using over the years. As I walked over to the stereo system I plugged my phone in, made a playlist and put it on shuffle.

Walking over to the barre I heard Shades of grey by Delilah start blaring through the speakers. Thank God the room was sound proof or else I would be in serious trouble if I woke my parents up.

Finally reaching the barre I started doing some stretches and barre exercises from pliés, relevés, developpés and a few others just to warm up. Once I finished my stretches I stood in the middle of the dance floor and waited for the next song to play.

The song that began to play was Breathe by Delilah. As the song began to play my body started moving on its own as though the music was in control, not me.

As soon as the song was over I stood up, my breathing a little heavy from dancing. Then I quickly ran over to my phone and checked the time. It was now 7o' clock. So, I decided to go and get ready for school.

Entering my room, I ripped of my clothing and headed into the bathroom to perform my daily hygiene routine. Once I was done, I re- entered my room with my white fluffy towel wrapped around me. Then I went over to my bureau got a bra and some underwear and put them on.

Not in the mood for dressing up, I just threw on a black tank top, a pair of high waisted shorts with a plaid button up tied around my waist and vans. As for my hair, I just let it hang down in its naturally curly state.

Grabbing all of my bags and stuff for school, I swiftly made it downstairs. Just as I stepped foot into the kitchen I was met by both my parents.

"Morning guys" I cheerily said. Then I kissed both my mom and dad on the cheek, which took them by surprise considering the looks on their faces.

I don't know what it is today, but for some reason I feel extremely happy and upbeat all of a sudden.

"What's gotten into you?" My dad said with a curious yet suspicious look. "Are you finally drinking and doing drugs like the other kids your age?" He asked with a nervous look not even giving me a chance to answer his questions.

"Oh God, Hallie our daughter is finally doing bad things. I told you she wouldn't stay good forever. Now what do we do? Should we send her to boarding school or military school? How should we punish her for this behaviour?" My dad rambled on to my mother as though I wasn't there.

"STOPPPPPP!!!!" My mom screamed. "Our daughter is not doing drugs or drinking John. She is just happy, that's all." She continued, then winked at me while my dad wasn't looking; probably hinting that my happiness had to do with Sebastian.

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