Chapter 4 - So He's A Douche Bag Then?

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Skylar's P.O.V

My eyes began to rack up his body. Those boots, that jacket, those muscles and that pale skin. Then suddenly, it all came flooding back where I knew this guy from.

"That can't be him." I told myself.

The new guy then locked eyes with me and a smirk instantly came across his pale skin. Then he sent me wink, a very familiar wink.

Bloody hell it was him!

Lauren nudged me on the arm and whispered, " Is that who I think it is?"

I just nodded my head in response. What the hell was he doing here and why am I getting so nervous?


I can't believe it's him. What was he doing here?

After taking a second to come to the realization of what had just happened, I heard Mr. Moreno say "Sit wherever there is a seat available," to the new guy, who just happened to be the same guy who was on the bike this morning.

Then the new guy began walking in my direction. With every step he took I felt my heart beat quickly increasing. Why was he coming so close? Then I noticed that the only seat available was the one right next to me. Great - note the sarcasm- .

How was I gonna focus with him sitting there all year? To be truthful, even though I would not admit this to Lauren I found him attractive, which was weird since I didn't like bad boys. I mean I don't  know if he really is a bad boy, but every girl knows a bad boy when she sees one and he definitely was one.

As he was making his way to the seat, I turned to Lauren to see if she was as surprised as I was to see him again. However, all I got was her looking like she was two seconds away from drooling. Then when she finally exited the trance that she was in and noticed that I was staring at her, she did the one thing I wasn't expecting. She just mouthed 'He is so Hot' then gave me a thumbs up, ignoring the worried expression on my face.

Then as soon as the 'new guy', which was going to be his nickname until I could figure out what Mr.
Moreno said his name was, sat down in the seat next to me, Mr. Moreno turned back to the chalkboard. Immediately after, Moreno started rambling something about simultaneous equations. So, I tried to block out my thoughts about the gorgeous guy next to me and pay attention to what was being said, but after about two minutes I gave up.

As my eyes began wondering the classroom out of boredom, I recognized that I was not the only one whose attention was somewhere else. Almost all the girls in the class seemed to be in some sort of daze which made them look like their minds had been taken over by something unknown. Then it hit me like a head on traffic collision, they were all sucked into a trance because of the New Guy.

So, I turned to Lauren to tell her how ridiculous they all looked but as soon as I turned my eyes towards her; I realized she too was under the spell of his hotness for the second time in the span of five minutes. I rolled my eyes and then turned back to front of the class trying to pay attention to Mr.Moreno.

Though I was trying very hard to keep focused on the lesson I couldn't. Not because what was being said was boring, but because I could feel someone burning a hole in the side of my head with their gaze.

So, out of curiosity I turned in the direction of the intense gaze and was met with those beautiful blue pools from this morning, once again. It was the new guy who had been burning the hole in my head. I blushed a little at the thought of him staring at me and the fact that our eyes were locked on one another's again.

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