Chapter 10 - The Bulls Meet

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Cole's P.O.V

Both steam and the scent of my mint body wash emanated through the air of my ensuite bathroom, as I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a large white towel around my waist. My partially wet, brown locks had droplets of water still drizzling down my pale skin and my abs looked much more defined in the mirror than it had before my morning workout.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, I realized there was no way girls could ignore an Adonis like me. Call me arrogant if you want, but we all know it's the truth. I have the girls at T.T.O.C high drooling over me. I am the predator and they are my prey. None seemed too far out of reach. It was just up to me when I would decide to pounce. Although, one prey in particular seemed especially difficult to catch.

Skylar Westbrook. She seemed naturally harder to snag than the rest of my prey, but the challenge has only gotten harder since that new bloke has come along.

Ever since he arrived, it's like those two are glued together at the hip. If he thinks that he's won her over, he's sadly mistaken. From the day I laid eyes on her, I knew that I had to have her. That body. Those eyes. And I definitely can't forget those lips. She was mine and I'd do anything to get her name in my little black book. She would be my prize of the school year and I was definitely willing to work for it. Or should I say her.

"Cole! I'm leaving for school." I heard Jack yell from downstairs, followed by the house door slamming shut.

Finishing off my outfit, I simply slipped on a pair of black boots to go with the light washed jeans, white v-neck and the black, white and gray flannel shirt that I had adorned my body with. After ruffling my hair in the mirror to give it that just - out - of - bed look, I grabbed my gym bag threw it over my shoulder, and then trotted down the stairs to the kitchen.

As for breakfast, I picked up an apple and a protein bar and threw them both into my gym bag. I grabbed my keys and then continued to the garage where my baby was. I removed the tarp that was covering her and swiftly hopped on. As I revved the engine up, I used the motion sensor feature on the garage to open the doors. Once it opened completely, I zoomed onto the road and headed for school or should I say my new play ground.


Upon arrival, I parked my baby in the closest spot available to the entrance of the school. Then I quickly got off my bike and finger combed through my hair and straightened out my shirt. I then threw my gym bag across my body and headed straight for the entrance.

Once I was inside, I headed straight for my locker. As I was walking down the hall, I could feel girls' eyes roaming my body. I even smiled at a few of them.

"Sebastian! I know it's you." I heard a feminine voice say and then giggle, which caused me to turn my attention from my adoring fans to the direction of where the voice came from.

As I took a closer look, I realized the owner of the voice wasn't just any girl. It was Skylar and she was looking hotter than usual.

She had her curly hair pulled back in a bun, which showed off her beautiful face. Her smooth, small midriff could been seen peaking through the space between the bottom of her black shirt and the waist of her jeans. And her arse looked amazing as the fabric of her jeans managed to squeeze it just right, which made it look bigger than usual. As I continued to stare at her I couldn't decide what was worst, the fact that I was getting hard just by looking at her or that she was spending time with the likes of that blasted bloke instead of me.

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