open wounds ◦ luis mendoza

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"Sit." I spoke sternly, pointing to the countertop in the bathroom we were currently in. Luis sighed before lifting himself up and sitting on the edge of the counter in front of me.

It was so difficult to be angry at him, only because of his current state. But I had been finding myself in that same situation far too many times lately, and it was starting to get old.

I stood between his legs, and looked down to pour some disinfectant on a small piece of tissue. Luis leaned back, his back against the wall. I looked up to examine the cuts on his face before pressing the tissue to an open wound on his jaw. He hissed, squeezing his eyes shut, and scrunching up his nose. "It stings." he said, turning his face the other way. I brought the tissue down and sighed. "I know, you say that every time I do this." I said, sounding rather annoyed. He simply chuckled and cocked an eyebrow. "You know, I don't know why you get so angry." He said. I felt my cheeks burn with anger and I looked up at him with an 'are you stupid' expression. "Gee I don't know Luis, maybe cause this is the 5th time I've had to clean up your stupid injuries after getting yourself into a fight with Jack. Why can't you just ignore him?" I retorted angrily. After all I was getting sick and tired of not only cleaning up his injuries, but every fight he got into on the ice was a loss for our whole team because he'd get numerous amounts of game suspensions when we could really be using him for his speed.

Don't get me wrong, our team was still pretty good in our own duck ways, but I missed having my best friend playing by my side. And it was all because Luis lets my stupid ex get to him by saying god knows what, whenever we play the Hawks.

Luis sighed, leaning forward and grabbing the tissue from my hand. He jumped down from the counter top and turned to face the mirror, before cleaning the injuries on his own. I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "If this is your way of showing me you're capable of doing this on your own, it still doesn't make me feel better." I aggressively spoke. He chuckled again and continued to clean a few cuts. I sighed and lifted myself onto the counter, sitting beside where he was facing the mirror. "It's not funny. I don't like it when you get hurt." I said, watching him as he intently cleaned his injuries. "Aw, she does care." He spoke looking at me, with a playful smile. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "I'm being serious Luis. Jesus you can't take anything seriously." I said throwing my hands up in frustration. "Why can't you just stop? I know you don't like Jack but this is getting old. Jack and I haven't spoken in months yet you continue to fuck with him on the ice. I let it go, why can't you?" I let out. He dropped his hands to the countertop and looked down, letting out a frustrated sigh. "It's not about jack." he breathed, after pausing for a moment, then going back to clean a cut below his lip. I felt my jaw clench in anger. "Well what the fuck Luis, then what the hell is it about? Because I can't seem to piece together why you just can't let it go. We've been in this situation here far too many times for it to be over something stupid, so what the fuck is it?!" I yelled in agitation. Luis stopped was he was doing again and sighed, this time with hurt written across his face.

I suddenly felt my heart skip, realizing this was serious. And as his best friend, it was weird for him to be serious.

As frustrating as it is for him to never take certain situations seriously, it was one of the things I loved about him. I could always turn to him if I needed a laugh or some cheering up. And when he got serious, you knew something was wrong.

"You." He finally spoke, meeting my eyes. I brought my eyebrows together in confusion and he sighed, looking around the room for a moment as if he was searching for what to say. What did he mean me?

"Listen Grace." he breathed, dropping his things and moving to stand in front of me. "You're my best friend. You know you're my best friend, have been for years. And I had to watch you get hurt for 11 months before you finally broke it off with that asshole. 11 months of watching you get walked over every day, by some douchebag that can't even handle a puck was probably the most aggravating thing I've ever had to witness in my life. He hurt you so bad Gracie, and when you guys broke up, it was so relieving for me because seeing you hurt is the last thing I ever wanna see. And I assumed it would all be over since you guys are through, but he says shit on the ice, shit I can't even repeat because his words don't deserve to be heard by you. He knows it pisses me off too because he knows exactly how mad I was when I found out just how much he hurt you. You're so much better than he is, you could do so much better than him. He's such a fucking waste of life Grace, I don't even want that asshole anywhere near you. God, he broke your heart over and over again and you just let it go on like that for the longest time
and I-" with tears brimming my eyes, I made the quick irrational decision to shut him up. I quickly grabbed onto his arm, pulling him into me and placing my lips on his.

It wasn't a long kiss, in fact it was rather childish. In all honesty, I realized I was kissing my best friend pretty fast so I pulled away just as quickly as I had kissed him.

I felt my heart beat quicken, as the two of us just stared at each other, dumbfounded. Jesus, what the hell did I do.

He searched my face, as if he was trying to figure out what had just happened. And right as I was about to speak, I was interrupted.

"Do that again." He breathed, as his eyes lingered on my mouth. I felt a smile pull at the corners of my lips, as my body relaxed. And before I could even bring myself to lean forward, his lips were on mine.

Our foggy minds were no match for what our mouths were doing. I don't think either of us could even process any of it. His large hand wrapped around the small of my back, pulling me closer to press our bodies together, as his other rested on my thigh. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, loving the warmth his body gave me.

The gentle kiss soon became more needy, on both of our parts. This was something we both wanted, and clearly for a while now.

Nothing could be heard but the sound of our mouths connecting, and our anxious breathing.

Luis squeezed my leg gently, before separating his lips from mine. With closed eyes, I rested my forehead against his. I could feel his breath on my lips, sending a shiver up my spine. "You don't know how long I've wanted you to do that." he breathed out, running his warm hand up and down my leg. My cheeks flushed with happiness and warmth, and I brought a hand up to his jaw, before giving him another gentle kiss. "Me too." I said.

With the sound of a door opening, I quickly jumped down from the countertop. Luis moved beside me, right before Charlie walked in. He paused in his place, and looked at us with a smirk. "I don't even wanna know." He said, shaking his head and making his way back into their dorm. Luis nervously chuckled, and turned back to me when he left the bathroom. "I should go back to my room." I said blushing. He smiled and held only my hand, bringing his lips down to mine to give me one last peck. "I'll see you later." He whispered, before I nodded with a smile that I knew wouldn't go away for a long time.

 imagines ◦benny rodriguez / luis mendozaWhere stories live. Discover now