mendoza was here (part three) ◦ luis mendoza

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The liquor burned on its way down her throat, giving her a warmth that she told herself was more satisfying than his touch could ever be.

He didn't want her anymore, so why should she want him?

She knew that there were other boys that wanted her the same way he used to.

She was going to forget about him.

She removed the handle from her lips, passing it off to the girl beside her, who hesitated.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Cam? I mean, I've never been drunk before and I really can't screw up or get arrested, my parents would totally shank me and let's not forget about permanent records, I mean those things can never be erased and then when the time comes I won't get accepted to col-" The nervous girl scrunched up her nose in disgust when the bottle was pushed to her lips.

She swallowed and with a slight cough, she began to laugh. "That tasted horrible!" she yelled over the loud music, holding her fingers to her tingling lips.

Camryn giggled. "You'll get used to it, Jules." she said, slinging her arm around the anxious goalie.

The two made their way through the unfamiliar house as Camryn kept up with the small goalie, who was now just as drunk as she was saying hi to everyone they walked by.

She smiled, enjoying how happy Julie looked.

"Cam!!!! Look it's our friends!!" she said enthusiastically, gripping onto Cam's arm.

She looked up, spotting Dean, Connie, and Charlie.

They all looked so happy to be in each other's presence, it made the girl feel so lucky to have people like that in her life.

The two teammates walked arm in arm over to the three and they all happily greeted each other with drunken hugs, Julie however, chose to greet each of them with a kiss.

Connie groaned, wiping her mouth, before giggling at her friends unexpected appearance.

"I love you guys." she said happily, leaning into Deans large figure. Dean simply took a swig of the handle he held, and wrapped his arms around Julie.

"Okay, who corrupted Julie?" Cam heard Charlie asked.

Her name was said a few times but she struggled to keep up with the conversation. She searched through the crowd of rambunctious teenagers, searching for the one boy who held her every time she got too drunk for herself to handle.

He was the only one who could handle her.

"Oh hey Cam.... Julie?"

Camryn turned around to see that Guy had joined the group, baring a drink for Connie as he held her gently with one arm around her waist.

"Guy!!!!!" Julie beamed, rushing to give him a hug.

"Have you seen the rest of the team around?" Connie asked after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Guy chuckled, hugging Julie back as his eyes scanned the party. "Last I saw Averman he was kicking Banksie's ass in beer pong."

The circle of friends laughed in expectation. But Camryn stayed quiet.

"I think Dwayne is shotgunning beers out back. And Luis is probably hooking up with that blonde ba-" Guy was cut off when Connie sent him a quick elbow to the stomach, motioning toward Camryn.

The friends all became silent, knowing about the pairs recent flame.

Her stomach dropped. Why did it hurt so bad? She knew he didn't want her anymore. But why did it hurt her so much more than it hurt him?

Cam looked up from the floor and gave her friends a smile, and shrugged. "I'm gonna go get something else to drink."

"Cam.." she heard Connie call. But she simply ignored it, wondering around for more liquor.

Her vision blurred a bit, as she made her was over to a table full of different drinks, letting her know how drunk she already was.

She didn't want to feel hurt.

She took the nearest handle, taking a large gulp from the opening, and carried it with her as she began to stumble through the crowd of people.

Then she saw him.

His hand gripped onto the random blonde girls waist, occasionally rubbing small circles on her exposed hip bone with his thumb. The blonde would occasionally tip her head upward to kiss his neck, and he'd take another sip of his drink.

She wanted to forget about him, but she was already half a bottle in and he was the only person that seemed to be on her mind. God, she hated him. She had to hate him.

It wasn't until she saw him pull the blonde girl flush against his body, look at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and press his lips against hers, that she knew the hatred she held wasn't for him. She hated herself for loving him.

And in that moment, whatever threads were holding the rest of her heart together- snapped.

 imagines ◦benny rodriguez / luis mendozaWhere stories live. Discover now