mendoza was here (part four) ◦ luis mendoza

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The girl searched with misty eyes and a hazy mind for her friends through the dangerous social terrain of drunken teenagers. She needed someone, anyone.

She felt a hot tear roll down her cheek as she frantically looked around for her friends. She didn't want to be alone.

She spotted Julie first, soon to realize she was passed out on top of Dean, who was also passed out.

Then she spotted Averman, Banks, and Charlie who were in the middle of what seemed to be an intense game of beer pong.

She looked around one more time, hoping to find Connie and when she did, she found her looking happy as ever, sitting on Guy's lap occasionally pecking his lips.

She felt so defeated. She couldn't ruin the night for everyone else just because she was upset. She hated the fact that she was upset in the first place.

Her mood was constantly changing from anger to sadness and she was so conflicted with her inner thoughts and frustrated for not being able to forget about him.

'He doesn't want you anymore.' an inner voice reminded her and she scoffed. She felt so weak for crying over him.

The music was too loud and the room was too hot, her head was pounding and all she wanted was to sit down.

After searching for a chair, she found one and sat down. She placed her lips on the opening of the bottle again, tipping her head back to take another shot when someone suddenly grabbed the bottle, lowering it from her lips.

She puzzled and looked up at the figure in front of her.

"That's a lot of drink for such a little person, don't you think?" he asked.

She dizzily stood up from her seat, and stumbled to regain her balance.

"Woah, careful babe." he warned, grabbing onto her hand as she steadied herself against him.

She looked at the boys face, knowing she went to school with him, but unable to put a name to the face.

Noticing the girls confusion, he chuckled. "I'm Ryan, varsity hockey."

Cam's eyes widened as she smiled brightly. "Ohhhhhhhh! I knew that I knew you from somewhere." she giggled, poking his chest.

He chuckled, holding onto her hips, pulling her against his body.

"Hey, do you wanna go lay down? You seem a little tipsy, huh?" he asked.

The girl leaned into his chest, nodding.

She could barely comprehend her surroundings at that point. She knew she drank too much. But she didn't care, she just wanted his name to get out of her head.

The tall boy stood behind her, holding her hips as they walked up the stairs, the girl using the railing for support.

What she didn't know was that the tan boy she could drunkenly admit to loving watched her with this new boy, guilt hollowing his heart.

He watched the girl stumble up the steps, as one of his rivals led her up the stairs. He hated it, he hated every second of it. Before he could stop himself he was walking over to the stairs, calling the new boys name.


Cam heard his voice and immediately turned around, getting up too quickly and falling right back down on the stair.

Ryan turned around and faced Luis who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing man? She's drunk." Luis said, motioning toward the girl who sat on the step, her head leaning against the wall.

 imagines ◦benny rodriguez / luis mendozaWhere stories live. Discover now